So, Any Questions?

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Digimon was the bee's knees when I was a young lad!! I remember I used to literally banish everybody from Televisionland just so I could watch it lol. But then I discovered Yu Gi Oh! and I said "Welp. GOODBYE." lol. Next one! Do you have any favorite childhood games?
Aegis said:
Digimon was the bee's knees when I was a young lad!! I remember I used to literally banish everybody from Televisionland just so I could watch it lol. But then I discovered Yu Gi Oh! and I said "Welp. GOODBYE." lol. Next one! Do you have any favorite childhood games?

I would always watch Digimon when I came home from school!  I loved how the characters transform!
Never was interested in Yu Gi Oh!  XD

To your question:  I mainly like the DKC series.  I like 2 and 3 more than the first game, but the first game was a great game!  I think I remember playing Spyro, Crash ((?)Not for sure..  but I feel like I did.  This kind of goes the same to Spyro.), N64 Mario Parties, Super Mario 64, Super Mario World, SMK, MK64, DK64.  There are other games, but I can't remember them.  |D

Before you ask me - I never played Banjo and Kazooie when I was a kid.  I guess we didn't know what it was nor did we knew it was a good game series (minus Nuts and Bolts).
I love the DKC series! I remember playing Diddy's Kong Quest for hours trying to unlock the damn Kremling world. Some of those tokens are really hard to get. :p

Crash and Spyro were also real great franchises too. Crash Bandicoot 2 was my favorite, especially with those jet-pack levels and riding Polar (I liked the night Polar level because it was spooky but exciting at the same time. I would just be riding in the dark when all of a sudden AN IDOL OUTTA NOWHERE!!!!! lol) Spyro 3 was also very entertaining, especially with the skateboarding mini-games. I hated the last world where you fight the Sorceress on the saucers though because it was so hard for me to aim that damn thing haha. :p

And WHY U NO PLAY BANJO-KAZOOIE?!?!?!?! Play it now! Play it sometime! It is truly an awesome game. :p
Aegis said:
I love the DKC series! I remember playing Diddy's Kong Quest for hours trying to unlock the damn Kremling world. Some of those tokens are really hard to get. :p

Crash and Spyro were also real great franchises too. Crash Bandicoot 2 was my favorite, especially with those jet-pack levels and riding Polar (I liked the night Polar level because it was spooky but exciting at the same time. I would just be riding in the dark when all of a sudden AN IDOL OUTTA NOWHERE!!!!! lol) Spyro 3 was also very entertaining, especially with the skateboarding mini-games. I hated the last world where you fight the Sorceress on the saucers though because it was so hard for me to aim that damn thing haha. :p

And WHY U NO PLAY BANJO-KAZOOIE?!?!?!?! Play it now! Play it sometime! It is truly an awesome game. :p

Those tokens were hard to find when I was a young kid.  Nowadays, I know where they are.  Baha.

To be honest, I don't remember which games I played..  Both Spyro and Crash.  Baw.

I guess my mom didn't know about the series.  Baha.
It's a real great exploratory platformer. Kind of like Super Mario 64 only more fun and entertaining. :p

Do you have any idea for post secondary schooling?
Aegis said:
It's a real great exploratory platformer. Kind of like Super Mario 64 only more fun and entertaining. :p

Do you have any idea for post secondary schooling?


I don't know what you mean, but I assume you mean university/college.  If that is the case, then yes!
I already got accepted, but I need to take a test, have meetings, and other things before school starts.  I start college this year in the autumn.

My major is somewhat undecided, but I might do something in computers.  |D
31GHT B1T S3RVANT said:
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? (oh no what a long time D: also no 2012 related stuff lol, not you would say that :p)

That will not happen because I will be dead within about. . . eight months!
Hahaha, Just kidding!  To be honest, I'm not really for sure.  Maybe I will be in college trying to get a Bachelors Degree?  IDK.  :U

Vipsoccermaster said:
Do you have any plans for this Summer?

Graduate from High School, Swimming, Chores, See my mom more, Go out more, Get ready for college, maybe working for money while on summer break before college.  Again, IDK.

Maybe TRY to have a enjoyable summer?  Maybe without getting into trouble as much or something (because last summer was a little hard on me.  I kept getting into trouble with my dad.  >_<)
Vipsoccermaster said:
No vacations?

Not as far as I am concerned.  My family doesn't really go on vacations anymore, because they argue so much and everything.
We were suppose to go on vacation two years ago, but we didn't.  u_u  Sucks, really.
Maybe when I'm older, I might start taking vacations alone or with another person.  IDK.

Last vacation I had was back in 2005, I think.
31GHT B1T S3RVANT said:
Generally speaking, are you a warm color or cool color person? (obviously context would change the response but w/e |D)

I'm going for warm.  I have more of a temper..  and I love warmer colors more.  (warm violet > cool violet)  Adding the fact that orange is one of my favorite colors, too.  C:  I love warmer temperatures - so I'm pretty much a warmer color person.

Aegis said:
Are you a party girl and a rebel who is a bad influence to society?!?!?!?!?

It depends...?  Your question confuses me a little bit, dude.  :U
Do you have any particular favorite art style when drawing characters? As in realistic, manga/anime, comic book, etcetera.

Also would you consider mastery of perspective or mastery of anatomical form more important for artists? (mastery might be a bit too strong a word, maybe improvement would suit better)
I am saying are you a rebellious fiend who influences bad morals to society?

Because I am. >:U
31GHT B1T S3RVANT said:
Do you have any particular favorite art style when drawing characters? As in realistic, manga/anime, comic book, etcetera.

I like realistic style the most.
Anime/Manga style is EXTREMELY overrated.  I don't like the anatomical style either.  ><  There are some nice anime artworks out there, but it's kind of rare nowadays.
Comic Book style is nice.  C:  There are a lot of other styles I love, but it's too much to name.  |D
I also love this style here, because I love how this user does colors.  ;_;  [link]

31GHT B1T S3RVANT said:
Also would you consider mastery of perspective or mastery of anatomical form more important for artists? (mastery might be a bit too strong a word, maybe improvement would suit better)

Anatomical, because critics usually criticize artists more based on anatomy rather than perspective.  If you have characters in your image, I think the character's anatomy is more important than perspective.  If the anatomy goes wrong, so can perspective.  Everyone usually have issues in anatomy.  (Yes, that means me as well.)

Aegis said:
I am saying are you a rebellious fiend who influences bad morals to society?

Because I am. >:U

Not really.
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