
Cook: You're probably the best member here, and you're a great person to have around and I like Skyping on your Livestream. I'll go back to the stream one day. :(

Espeon: You're cool because you're British, and British people are cool. 8) Seriously though, I like that you speak your mind and don't sugarcoat it like some people. :p
Shaby: Even though you're vocab and overall attitude haven't changed that much over the past few months, I've gotten used to it and think you're alright. Keep up the good activity.

DKH: I didn't really know you until recently, but I think you're a cool person. Also fyi I can hardly hear you over Skype. :p

Tova: Originally I was going to say that you were a decent person, but to lay off the masturbation and penis jokes/posts for a bit. But on top of that, I'll add for you to stop being so damn ignorant, and so damn biased.