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This was an excellent experience! Honestly, I feel like I've just scratched the surface of what the board has to offer and want to get back in for another round!

Firstly, the aesthetics are so satisfying. They're easy on the eyes but also still have some personality. In particular, the main background texture is so nice to look at. Also, nice rhyme on the board's in-game description!

Next, let me commend the board's overall layout and strategy. Although it's a "race to the summit" type of board and is generally very linear, there are various loop points that allow you to go back down, and at the same time, effective item use will let you feel like you're able to control your mobility. As well, the board still employs a moving Star Space, which means that reaching the end is not actually the main goal, and therefore looping the lower sections of the board feels rewarding enough. Instead, reaching the summit is more like an extra incentive, and the reward is sufficiently satisfying for doing so, obtaining a nice item and a good deal of coins. All in all, despite being relatively linear, it feels like there are strategic choices as you make your way around the board, which is great.

If I had to give a small nitpick, I think the board could use a couple more Item Spaces. Although the Item Shop is relatively easy to access, it would be nice to have a couple more of these. It felt like the only Item Spaces were in the cloud area or in the loop back down to the first section of the board, which was usually not an ideal junction choice. On the flip side, there were many Bowser Spaces, although funny enough Bowser opted to use more curse events so the effect wasn't as heavy-handed.

Also, I'm not sure if it's ideal to keep all 8 Star Spawns for this board. The main critique I would have here is that it ends up that some Star Spawns are much more "powerful" than others if you use a Magic Lamp to reach it, in particular the one before the Item Shop or the ones that are close to the summit. Perhaps there's a way to balance these Star Spawns, or perhaps this is a legitimate strategy you're keeping in place for your board.

Overall this was an excellent board and I would highly recommend to all!
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First, I like the neat combination of an ice theme with the Bowser and lava theming. There's a nice feeling of danger lurking at any step and needing to be wary.

Unfortunately, the Warp Pipe events aren't set properly and caused the game to softlock. The Space Warp event is only needed on the Warp Pipe that you enter, not at the destination.

I will say that the layout leaves room for improvement. The overall layout of the board is one large loop, which ends up feeling very linear, which doesn't feel as interesting or strategic as it could be. Also, I wish that more events leaned in on the ice theming, although the number of Bowser-themed events feel fitting.

Overall it has a unique theming that could be executed a little better. It was enjoyable while it lasted though!
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Overall, it was a charming romp through a custom board! Firstly, I love the Kirby crossover element. It was great to see all the characters all over the place as well as getting to test out all their events to see what they do! Also, due to various events, duels were quite common on the board, but this was actually a nice change of pace from the usual frequency of duels in a board, and they actually felt like a viable strategy during board play.

A few notes though. The board is very linear, and although it's not too large so it doesn't feel like a chore to traverse, it does show its impact once the Star moved into the central area, which is only accessible by Skeleton Key from one point on the board, requiring a player to loop all the way back around to get inside. It caused congestion on the Star spawn, since Lamps weren't really in play either. I think it would be great if this board implemented some warp events (like Warp Stars) that can warp players to specific places on the board, and make them either more common or passing events. Speaking of passing events, the forced passing events' cost-benefit equation is questionable. It's also worth considering changing up the layout of the board to have more junctions so that path decisions can be made. Finally, the events could use updating as some have script errors which may not be compatible on real hardware, as I have Project64 interpreter core on (which emulates that) and I suffered a crash early on. Also, it would be nice if the board background were a bit more angled to see the elements better, and if the characters were scaled up a bit more. Lots of work was made into making a nice background and it's a shame they're not the easiest to see!

All in all, it was an enjoyable experience despite the linear board layout. The multitude of events and duels made it an interesting experience, and I believe the Kirby crossover elements could be enhanced even more!
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It kills me to downgrade this, because... hear me out: This board gave me the FUNNEST FIRST EIGHT TURNS of any board I think I've ever played. But there's two factors that come together and when they do, they make this board unplayable.

First, harmless by itself, is that you can sell stars to Bowser for 60 coins. Fair enough. But then... *one* computer opponent hit the skeleton key door and dropped Wiggler's Hootenanny. OH, MY FORKING GURD. That was the game killer.

Once this happens - it places all the players one space *behind* the Hootenanny space, and you'll all be stuck there FOREVER until all the opponents are out of coins - and once they've cashed in stars at Bowser's, that's not gonna be for awhile, and it's very unlikely that all three opponents will be broke all at once.

Proposed fix - if the editor lets you do this - PLEASE drop the Hootenanny in *front* of the Wiggler Space, not behind it!! This ONE FIX is the difference between this board being unplayable for HALF THE GAME (or more!!), and being outright LEGENDARY in status.
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A very pleasant custom board with some unique strategies! Since it's a one-way board, it feels like a mad dash race to the end to get a Star. But all of the events and layout design lend well to fleshing out the experience and improving strategy. For example, Skeleton Keys are viable as they can access a large shortcut. Overall, the theming is great with a nice duality between blessings and curses, the latter leading to a bit of a "danger lurking behind the corner" feeling. I think that the blessing/curse theme is the most interesting part here and I think it would have been more interesting if it were played into more, perhaps with more Happening Spaces or events that invoke the mechanic. (But, should the custom Last 5 Turns event just be Baby Bowser stealing my 30 coins? It was especially poignant because Bowser had just taken 10 coins from the CPU too. Maybe it could be reworked so last place can choose to get a blessing or put out a curse.) But overall it was a great romp through a custom board!
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A sweet and charming board overall! I like that it's relatively small so it's not hard to traverse around the whole board. However, I definitely think there should be fewer Red/Bowser Spaces in the main board as a result; the proportion is quite large so every turn felt like it was a 1-vs-3 or 2-vs-2 minigame. Also, it'd be neat if there were more events throughout the board.

Also, consider adding a Dead-End Reverse Fixup event in the red zone, as a character in reverse will just hit the dead end and get stuck between the last two spaces.

Overall it was a pleasant experience of a custom board with a nice aesthetic!
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A neat board with a unique concept and danger lurking at every step! The acid puddles aren't overly powerful by taking too many coins at a time, which is good, but they also discourage high rolls, making for interesting strategization required. Additionally, the board's small size makes it easier to get familiarized with the layout and improve strategy decisions. However, it seems the left side of the board leaves much to be desired, as besides aiming for a star, it always seems more beneficial to loop the right side for shops or Boo. Additionally, it would be better if junctions had arrows so that it's easier to keep track of which direction the paths take.

Also, the first time playing, Project 64 crashed from the acid event as I'm using interpreter core to emulate real hardware. This was fixed by changing the ADDIU SP SP numbers from 4 to 8 in the event code. Also, after the acid level reached the highest on around turn 3, it didn't change again.

All in all though, it was an interesting experience with some unique strategies for this board! Amusingly, the CPUs lost all their coins from acid and then chose to land on a Bowser Space to earn back coins on three separate occasions, which was surprisingly strategic of them!
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Excellent quality board with a neat mechanic and theming! It's interesting to have Bowser's minions pillaging the beach and undersea area. Definitely nice to have the board split into two zones where the beach area feels more safe while the underwater depths feel more treacherous (trench-erous?) But who knows if the risk of going under is worth the reward...?
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<3 Always worth going under for TREASURE