Your Current Team?

I know some people here already have their copies of Black 2/White 2, so I want to ask: What's your team? What Pokemon are you using? What are their names (if they have any), their gender (again, if they have any), and what's their level, ability, move set and held item (you don't have to put all of those down if you don't want to.)?
Here's my team as of now:

Medusa (Serperior) Lv. 45
Ability: Overgrow
Held Item: Miracle Seed
Type: Grass
Move set: Slam/Leech Seed/Leaf Blade/Coil

Seraphina (Arcanine) Lv. 45
Ability: Intimidate
Held Item: Charcoal
Type: Fire
Move set: Outrage/Crunch/Heat Wave/Reversal

Clover (Lucario) Lv. 45
Ability: Steadfast
Held Item: Expert Belt
Type: Fighting/Steel
Move set: Force Palm/Strength*/Swords Dance/Bone Rush
*Once I find the Move Forgetter I'm getting rid of this move

Mardigras (Unfezant) Lv. 45
Ability: Super Luck
Held Item: Amulet Coin
Type: Normal/Flying
Move set: Air Slash/Roost/Detect/Fly

Helga (Krookodile) Lv. 45
Ability: Moxie
Held Item: Soft Sand
Type: Ground/Dark
Move set: Foul Play/Rock Tomb/Crunch/Dig

Robocop (Magnezone) Lv. 45
Ability: Sturdy
Held Item: Metal Coat
Type: Electric/Steel
Move set: Screech/Thunder Wave/Electro Ball/Flash Cannon

Pokemon = Male
Pokemon = Female
Pokemon = Genderless

NOTE: I do not play competitively, so don't say any comments like "Oh X is NU don't use it" and etcetera.
Well, I'll go on details later, but so far it looks like this:

Dewott (Lv. 30)
Braviary (Lv. 29)
Growlithe (Lv. 29)
Genesect (Lv. 29)
Boldore (Lv. 30)

I only have 5 pokemons at the moment. I'm going for my 5th gym badge, so they aren't ''that'' underleveled, still need some training and I may catch my Axew soon.
No Item
Move set:Dig/Razor Shell/Water Pulse/Revenge

No Item
Move set:Take Down/Flash/,Thunder Wave/Electro Ball

No Item
Move set:Force Palm/Dig/Copycat/Bone Rush

Ability:Flash Fire
No Item
Move seat:Dig/Fire Spin/Bite/Quick Attack

Ability:Weak Armor
No Item
Move seat:pluck/Fly/Punishment/Faint Attack

I am now at the PWT,And the Move Deleter is right outisde of the Pokemon World Tournament.

Will post my team once I get the game.
Toadette said:
Seraphina (Arcanine) Lv. 45
Ability: Intimidate
Held Item: Charcoal
Type: Fire
Move set: Outrage/Crunch/Heat Wave/Reversal

Clover (Lucario) Lv. 45
Ability: Steadfast
Held Item: Expert Belt
Type: Fighting/Steel
Move set: Force Palm/Strength*/Swords Dance/Bone Rush
*Once I find the Move Forgetter I'm getting rid of this move

Helga (Krookodile) Lv. 45
Ability: Moxie
Held Item: Soft Sand
Type: Ground/Dark
Move set: Foul Play/Rock Tomb/Crunch/Dig

Robocop (Magnezone) Lv. 45
Ability: Sturdy
Held Item: Metal Coat
Type: Electric/Steel
Move set: Screech/Thunder Wave/Electro Ball/Flash Cannon
Here are some suggested moves and Wifi items:
Lucario: Keep Swords Dance. Close Combat at level 55, and Extremespeed at level 65. Give 10 Red Shards to the move tutor in Driftveil to learn Ice Punch.
Arcanine: Wild Charge can be found as a TM in Victory Road. Keep Crunch.
Krookodile: Stone Edge TM in Twist Mountain, Earthquake at level 54. Keep Crunch.
Magnezone: Keep Flash Cannon. Thunderbolt TM in Victory Road, Volt Switch TM from defeating Elesa.
Leftovers-Castelia Sewers
Air Balloon-Driftveil City
Choice Items-Battle Subway
Life Orb-Battle Subway
RainbowJinx said:
Will post my team once I get the game.
Toadette said:
Seraphina (Arcanine) Lv. 45
Ability: Intimidate
Held Item: Charcoal
Type: Fire
Move set: Outrage/Crunch/Heat Wave/Reversal

Clover (Lucario) Lv. 45
Ability: Steadfast
Held Item: Expert Belt
Type: Fighting/Steel
Move set: Force Palm/Strength*/Swords Dance/Bone Rush
*Once I find the Move Forgetter I'm getting rid of this move

Helga (Krookodile) Lv. 45
Ability: Moxie
Held Item: Soft Sand
Type: Ground/Dark
Move set: Foul Play/Rock Tomb/Crunch/Dig

Robocop (Magnezone) Lv. 45
Ability: Sturdy
Held Item: Metal Coat
Type: Electric/Steel
Move set: Screech/Thunder Wave/Electro Ball/Flash Cannon
Here are some suggested moves and Wifi items:
Lucario: Keep Swords Dance. Close Combat at level 55, and Extremespeed at level 65. Give 10 Red Shards to the move tutor in Driftveil to learn Ice Punch.
Arcanine: Wild Charge can be found as a TM in Victory Road.
Krookodile: Stone Edge TM in Twist Mountain, Earthquake at level 54. Keep Crunch.
Magnezone: Keep Flash Cannon. Thunderbolt TM in Victory Road, Volt Switch TM from defeating Elesa.
Leftovers-Castelia Sewers
Air Balloon-Driftveil City
Choice Items-Battle Subway
Air Balloon would be good for Magnezone, he can set up a Magnet Rise and if he gets hit by a faster Pokemon with Earthquake or something it won't effect him, right?
My Team on day 2 of this game - beaten the third gym leader with these guys -

Ganon - Pignite Lv. 21
Ability : Blaze
Moves : Smog, Arm Thrust, Flame Charge, Defense Curl

Riolu Lv. 21
Ability : Inner Focus
Moves : Copycat, Quick Attack, Force Palm, Counter

Golem - Roggenrola Lv. 21
Ability : Sturdy
Moves : Iron Defence, Sand Attack, Strength, Rock Blast

Sea - Eevee Lv. 20
Ability : Run Away
Moves : Sand Attack, Growl, Quick Attack, Bite

Genders - Male/Female
Update: Current Team!

Medusa (Serperior) Lv. 69
Ability: Overgrow
Held Item: Miracle Seed
Type: Grass
Move set: Leaf Storm/Leech Seed/Leaf Blade/Coil

Seraphina (Arcanine) Lv. 68
Ability: Intimidate
Held Item: Charcoal
Type: Fire
Move set: Outrage/Wild Charge/Heat Wave/Reversal

Regina (Kingdra) Lv. 60
Ability: Swift Swim
Held Item: Exp. Share
Type: Water/Dragon
Move set: Surf/Hydro Pump/Dragon Dance/Dragon Pulse

Mardigras (Unfezant) Lv. 69
Ability: Super Luck
Held Item: Amulet Coin
Type: Normal/Flying
Move set: Return/Roost/Sky Attack/Fly

Helga (Krookodile) Lv. 69
Ability: Moxie
Held Item: Soft Sand
Type: Ground/Dark
Move set: Earthquake/Stone Edge/Crunch/Dig

Robocop (Magnezone) Lv. 68
Ability: Sturdy
Held Item: Metal Coat
Type: Electric/Steel
Move set: Volt Switch/Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Flash Cannon

Pokemon = Male
Pokemon = Female
Pokemon = Genderless

Alas, Regina the Kingdra replaces Clover the Lucario, because I thought my Lucario was much too frail, and I wanted a bulkier Pokemon, as well as a Surf user and a Dragon type, so Kingdra was perfect.
Toadette said:
Update: Current Team!
What were your Hidden Power types for Kingdra, Magnezone, and Serperior? Also if you want to annoy your opponents you can teach Serperior Substitute and Giga Drain, keeping Leech Seed (aka SubSeed.) Taunt can be used on Serperior and Unfezant to stop supporters like Chansey and Blissey if they present problems. (Return is still Unfezant's way to hit hard.)
Servine Lv. 32
Ability: Overgrow
Held Item: Lucky Egg
Type: Grass
Move Set: Mega Drain, Leaf Blade, Growth, Slam

Pyro (Darumaka) Lv. 31
Ability: Hustle
Held Item: Exp. Share
Type: Fire
Move Set: Fire Punch, Fire Fang, Dig, Thrash

Ampharos Lv. 30
Ability: Static
Held Item: None
Type: Electric
Move Set: Volt Switch, Confuse Ray, Take Down, Thunder Punch

Just beat Clay. I want a bulky and difficult to beat rock Pokemon. Any suggestions?
Toadette said:
RainbowJinx said:
Toadette said:
Update: Current Team!
What were your Hidden Power types for Kingdra, Magnezone, and Serperior?
Kingdra- Dragon
Magnezone- Fire
Serperior- Dragon
Hidden Power Fire is great for Magnezone. Scizor and Ferrothorn are some of the biggest threats to it, and they take massive damage from Hidden Power Fire (Scizor is even OHKOd).

As for Sax, Tyranitar is a good option. It can use Stealth Rock, Crunch, Fire Blast, Ice Beam, Superpower, Stone Edge, Pursuit, Aqua Tail, Substitute, Focus Punch, Dragon Dance, Fire Punch, Ice Punch...
Recently beat Clay myself, like Sax before me :

Ganon - Pignite Lv. 30
Ability : Blaze
Moves : Rollout, Arm Thrust, Flame Charge, Take Down
Additional notes : replacing Flame Charge with Heat Crash when he levels up.

Lucario Lv. 30
Ability : Inner Focus
Moves : Copycat, Bone Rush, Force Palm, Counter
Additional notes : Epic nickname is wanted ~ suggestions needed :p

Golem - Boldore Lv. 28
Ability : Sturdy
Moves : Iron Defence, Bulldoze, Strength, Rock Blast
Additional notes : Ev's all thrown to ATK. as best as I could. Nature boosts ATK. and lowers SP ATK. / Needs to evolve immediatly!!!

Sea - Vaporeon Lv. 29
Ability : Water Absorb
Moves : Surf, Covet, Quick Attack, Bite
Additional notes : Unable to learn Surf in time to fight Clay :p

Zoura ~ OT : N Lv. 29
Ability : Illusion
Moves : Fury Swipes, Fowl Play, Scary Face, Taunt
Additional notes : N's Pokémon - can't give a nickname

Ducky - Ducklett Lv. 24
Ability : Big Pecks
Moves : Areial Ace, Surf, FetherDance, Fly
Additional notes : Only used for flying to distant places / Zoura illusion / Will be replaced when I get further in the game

Genders - Male/Female