What phone do you have?

I have a LG... LG something I guess. I'm not using it anymore because I don't really need a cellphone in my life tbh. I was mainly playing games with it.

But now it's so slow it's getting frustrating, so I bought a iPod Touch 6th Gen last year (I know it's not a phone but whatever :p).
SuperZambezi said:
Or do you have a phone at all?

I finally made the jump to smart phone last summer. I have a Galaxy S5.

Join the club! I have an S5 that I just got two weeks ago and I can't put it down (maybe I'm too addicted :p)

I originally wanted to try the S7 but I felt like the only selling point was that it was water-proof (thanks Lil' Wayne). So compared to $400 for an S5 (I was upgrading from an S3) I thought it wouldn't matter.