It is out!

So the objective of this was to answer questions of some fans
I'll list them here if you dont want to go to the link:
-Is Mario named after former Nintendo Of America Warehouse Landlord, Merio Segale?
Miyamoto shakes head saying yes
-Is the Mario shown in the original SMB Packageing about to lose a life?
Miyamoto shakes head saying no
-Would you let Dr.Mario operate on you?
Miyamoto shakes head saying no and crosses his arms XD
-Was SMB3, all just a performance?
Miyamoto shakes head saying yes
-When Bob-Ombs perish, do they turn into Boos?
Miyamoto laughs and says no
-Do you know who Bowser Jr.'s Mother is?
Miyamoto says yes, points to himself and laughs
-Does Mario break blocks with his fist?
Miyamoto says yes, and then imitates Mario's Jump
-Are any of your courses featured in SMM?
He says no and then: "I'm not in there, but i will defenitely post something."
I swear i almost died laughing at the Bowser Jr. one XD