Snowball Summit

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(For the record I searched and the topic was last posted way back in 2010... :p)


So what'd you think of this mini-game? I absolutely LOVED this one. I never actually threw a snowball cause it was easy to avoid, but I loved making the snowball huge and bumping it into them to see my opponents fly EXTREMELY far off. :p

I find the AI here stupid cause I see them rolling their snowballs off the mountain and they usually throw their snowballs instead or when they do bump you with one, it's a small one. I only have a small one if I want to block someone's huge snowball.

(Yay I chose a mini-game themed for Winter :p)
Not reviving the topic then? Just making a new one?
Well, fine by me I guess =P

One of my favorite Mario Party 3 Minigames (Probably just because it's snowing on top of a mountain)!
...the only problem is that whenever I play this against another player, we always seem to make the timer run out. :p

I've also killed many people by rolling the snowball before - it's easy if you get them while they're making the snowball.
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