Sexy Party Forum

Sexy Party Forum was an experiment gone horribly wrong for me. I wanted to change the /forum part of the url to /sexy and see what would happen, but I accidentally changed the party in "SuperMarioPartyForum" to sexy. At least I think it was party, I might be wrong. But yeah, just shit gone wrong.

There was another downtime too. I was trying to figure out how to put stuff at the footer of the forum so I let TT get temporary admin status to do it and while he had the power he was fiddling with some mod (chatbox? icr) and then the forum just got this error screen.
Of course, in those days we were'nt as savvy wi' SMF's framework so we couldn't get out of that nice little ditch there xD

@Cook - didn't think of making a backup? :p Nah, changing the core directory wouldn't have been helpful at all without digging through the core files on the ftp. (i.e. backup restore ineffective)