1. Do not steal my bones here.
2. This is not your house. Go home.
3. Respect other people's opinions. Not everyone will have the same views as you.
4. Don't beg for stuff from me. It's rude.
5. I do not take requests. (drawing-wise. Not for sure about signatures.) Don't bother asking.
6. Rules on here apply here. :U
If there is an error/mistake on this blog, let me know, kthx.
Rules will be added/deleted if necessary.

AIM: coolwacky111
MSN/E-mail/Yahoo Messenger: coolwacky50@yahoo.com
Skype: gatorgirl1020
Tumblr: Home of Wacky
Deviantart (Old/New):
Youtube: Youtube
Private Message Me on here if needed: PM Me
FurAffinity: Wacky
Will update this if needed.