Mario Party 3's Reverse Mushroom

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Sushi Boy said:
THIS ITEM IS FABULOUS. Seriously, one time, I was near a Boo, and I had alot of Celluar Shopper, so I kept buying reverse mushrooms to keep passing Boo. XD

Are you serious? XD I should try and do that sometime!

But, yes. I really did love the Reverse Mushroom. It helped me out a lot in situations when someone had gotten the star and I had already passed the spot the star appeared on afterwords.

They should most definitely bring this item back!
Chubbo1793 said:
Sushi Boy said:
kinetic563 said:
They should most definitely bring this item back!
lolheck they should bring back all the original Mario Party 3 items!
I totally agree with you on that Sushi Boy. They did have the best items.
Agreed as well MP3 items were the shiz. I used to buy reverse mushrooms a lot cause they were more handy than most people would think.
I never knew how to use this strategically, but the Reverse Curse (essentially the same effect) was something I regularly experienced. The concept behind the mushroom is good, except when dealing with Skeleton doors and branched pathways, since you were restricted to ONLY go backwards, and not forwards onto another path. (Skeleton doors, not entirely sure, but you'd certainly waster a turn if you ran into one in reverse sans Skeleton Key...)

As for a revival, it's a good concept item that can have evolutions like Super Reverse Shroom (up to 20 spaces reverse) to make it more fun.
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