I loved this item. I used this when ever the star was behind me. It really cam in handy. Your thoughts on this marvelous mushroom?
Sushi Boy said:THIS ITEM IS FABULOUS. Seriously, one time, I was near a Boo, and I had alot of Celluar Shopper, so I kept buying reverse mushrooms to keep passing Boo. XD
lolheck they should bring back all the original Mario Party 3 items!kinetic563 said:They should most definitely bring this item back!
I totally agree with you on that Sushi Boy. They did have the best items.Sushi Boy said:lolheck they should bring back all the original Mario Party 3 items!kinetic563 said:They should most definitely bring this item back!
Agreed as well MP3 items were the shiz. I used to buy reverse mushrooms a lot cause they were more handy than most people would think.Chubbo1793 said:I totally agree with you on that Sushi Boy. They did have the best items.Sushi Boy said:lolheck they should bring back all the original Mario Party 3 items!kinetic563 said:They should most definitely bring this item back!