Mario Party 2's striking similarity with Disney Land?

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I don't know if any of you guys had ever noticed this but one of my friends brought this to my attention the other day! Mario Party 2 bears a striking similarity with Disneyland as far the different themes of the boards are concerned. For instance:

In Disney Land you have Tomorrow  Land, Frontier Land....and in Mario Party 2 you have places like Space Land and Western Land..and if you look closely at the box art, Peach's castle sits in the center of all the places just like the Disney Castle sits in the center of all the Lands.

I just thought that was an interesting connection but I could just be crazy  ;)

What do you all think?
I also personally think that's part of the reason that Mario Party is often considered the greatest one by a lot of people- it reminds them to much of Disney Land whether they consciously realize the similarity or not; but to me, all of the Mario Parties are like theme parks in and of themselves.
Interesting. I'd be comfortable to say that it's just a coincidence, but it does make sense - Mario Land does have that theme park-y feel, and as pointed out above, the kinds of themes (Space Land = Tomorrowland, Mystery Land = Frontier Land) that MP2 has do sort of relate to those in Disneyland. (If you're wondering why I can say this, it's because I've been to the Hong Kong Disneyland.)
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