M madstarr Well-known member Red Star (500 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Jan 2, 2010 #1 According to some sites (I don't remember the names, sorry ) Mario Party will hit virtual console sometime during January and Mario Party 2 in Virtual Console in February for Japan.
According to some sites (I don't remember the names, sorry ) Mario Party will hit virtual console sometime during January and Mario Party 2 in Virtual Console in February for Japan.
S Shaby Well-known member Purple Star (1,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Jan 3, 2010 #2 OMG!!! THAT'S A MUST HAVE OF THE VIRTUAL CONSOLE!! AREN'T U LYING? D: Hehe, sorry. I am a MP addict as u can see... :-[
OMG!!! THAT'S A MUST HAVE OF THE VIRTUAL CONSOLE!! AREN'T U LYING? D: Hehe, sorry. I am a MP addict as u can see... :-[
M madstarr Well-known member Red Star (500 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Jan 3, 2010 #3 I hope I'm not lying. I asked Nintendo via e-mail, and they have said that those dates are temporary, and could change.
I hope I'm not lying. I asked Nintendo via e-mail, and they have said that those dates are temporary, and could change.
Vipsoccermaster Well-known member Green Star (10,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Jan 3, 2010 #4 It would be nice for them to be on the VC, but for me, I have them for the N64 still. I hope they do go on the VC, so that members like RHB could buy them and play all they want.
It would be nice for them to be on the VC, but for me, I have them for the N64 still. I hope they do go on the VC, so that members like RHB could buy them and play all they want.
M MLYW Well-known member Purple Star (1,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Jan 3, 2010 #5 I've read this recently and this is true (not sure about Mario Party 2 though).
G Guiyii Well-known member Orange Star (100 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Jan 5, 2010 #6 W00t mario party 1 for VC? That's the only console mario party game i miss, now that's service
M Marioguy Well-known member Blue Star (2,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Jan 8, 2010 #7 That's cool although I have it on my 64, it will be cool for the others who don't have it to play it.
That's cool although I have it on my 64, it will be cool for the others who don't have it to play it.
S Shaby Well-known member Purple Star (1,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Jan 8, 2010 #8 OH MY GOD! FOR REAL??! AHHH!! **RUNS IN CIRCLES** I will search some information about this too!
Chubbo1793 Well-known member Blue Star (2,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Jan 25, 2010 #9 I can't wait for that to happen. ;D ;D ;D I will be playing them 24/7 until I can't anymore! They need to make them soon.
I can't wait for that to happen. ;D ;D ;D I will be playing them 24/7 until I can't anymore! They need to make them soon.
cookieboy17 Well-known member Cyan Star (5,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Jan 25, 2010 #10 Just when I finally emulate MP they decide they wanna come out with this? That's Nintendo's loss for taking too long, now they don't get my money.
Just when I finally emulate MP they decide they wanna come out with this? That's Nintendo's loss for taking too long, now they don't get my money.
J James1011R Well-known member Yellow Star (5 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Feb 20, 2010 #11 I want some more Party! ;D MP1 and MP2 are N64 games.
K kirbyofthestars09 Active member Yellow Star (5 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Feb 28, 2010 #12 Yay!!I'm soo happy there bringing my 2 favorite games to the virtual console! But frist I have to get more wii points.
Yay!!I'm soo happy there bringing my 2 favorite games to the virtual console! But frist I have to get more wii points.