Votes: 4 10.0%

    Votes: 31 77.5%

    Votes: 2 5.0%
  • MEH...

    Votes: 3 7.5%

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For everyone all Mario Party games are fun even the DS one. Everyone has a like or dislike you know donkey kong not everyone likes this game or hate it  ;D ;D :-D
donkey kong said:
hey im new so dont hate me if this is a stupid thread proberly is but i brought mario party 4 5 and 8 and while playing them all ill admit the levels of those games are good i i realised that the minigames sucks i thought wtf happened to platform peril from 1-2 and box mountian mayham and sKateboard scamper and more of those games the new minigames they added in are just ahhh LAME.... I offically hate what they did to the mario party they took away the legendary minigames like grab bag keypa way and more and spat in its face im speachless i say recreate 1 2 and 3 with the motion controlls and burn the rest IF U GUYS LIKE THE NEW MARIO PARTY'S U ARE DISRESPECTING THE GREATNESS OF THE ORIGINAL 3 ok dont hate me i just think the new mario partys suck and the minigames arnt up the bar of the old mario party games especially 6 dear god i havnt seen a game suck more since hannah montanna the movie IM JUST SAYING oh and i love being on thease forums  O0

Wow... i'd except his opinion more if you had better grammar... Here's my edit, it's great with grammar and everything:

Sushi Boy said:
Hey, I'm new, so don't hate me if this is a stupid thread... It probably is, but i bought Mario Party 4, 5, and 8. And while playing them all, I'll admit, the levels of these games are good. I realized that the mini-games suck. I thought, "WTF happened to Platform Peril from 1-2, Box Mountain Mayhem, Skateboard Scamper, and more of those great mini-games?".

The new mini-games they added in are just... AH, LAME! It's a official, I hate what they did to Mario Party, they took away the legendary mini-games like: Grab Bag, Key-Pa-Way, and more. I spit in it's face, I'm just speechless... I say recreate 1, 2, and 3 with the motion controls and burn the rest.

If you guys like the new Mario Parties; You're disrespecting the greatness of the original 3. OK, don't hate me... I just think the new Mario Parties suck and the mini-games aren't up to par like the old Mario Party games, especially 6! Dear God... i haven't seen a game suck more since Hannah Montana: The Movie... IM JUST SAYING!

Oh and I love being on these forums.  O0
Billy12510 said:
DK I have to ask what games have you been playing?! The only game that was ever reported to be bad was MP Advance, which was a mistake. I think there are no bad MP games, just one that are missing that one thing that'd put it over the top.
Nice Bump dude. =P

Mario and Peach™ said:
Billy12510 said:
DK I have to ask what games have you been playing?! The only game that was ever reported to be bad was MP Advance, which was a mistake. I think there are no bad MP games, just one that are missing that one thing that'd put it over the top.

Nice Post-pump. >_>
Billy12510 said:
DK I have to ask what games have you been playing?! The only game that was ever reported to be bad was MP Advance, which was a mistake. I think there are no bad MP games, just one that are missing that one thing that'd put it over the top.

No, 4-8 and Advance suck hard.

What drugs have you been smoking?
Aegis said:
Billy12510 said:
DK I have to ask what games have you been playing?! The only game that was ever reported to be bad was MP Advance, which was a mistake. I think there are no bad MP games, just one that are missing that one thing that'd put it over the top.

No, 4-8 and Advance suck hard.

What drugs have you been smoking?
Oh... we'll all have our opinions on the games but they point is that you can't flame the games!

P.S. Nowhere in DKs original statement had the word "Jew" in it, so stop insulting him!
donkey kong said:
hey im new so dont hate me if this is a stupid thread proberly is but i brought mario party 4 5 and 8 and while playing them all ill admit the levels of those games are good i i realised that the minigames sucks i thought wtf happened to platform peril from 1-2 and box mountian mayham and sKateboard scamper and more of those games the new minigames they added in are just ahhh LAME.... I offically hate what they did to the mario party they took away the legendary minigames like grab bag keypa way and more and spat in its face im speachless i say recreate 1 2 and 3 with the motion controlls and burn the rest IF U GUYS LIKE THE NEW MARIO PARTY'S U ARE DISRESPECTING THE GREATNESS OF THE ORIGINAL 3 ok dont hate me i just think the new mario partys suck and the minigames arnt up the bar of the old mario party games especially 6 dear god i havnt seen a game suck more since hannah montanna the movie IM JUST SAYING oh and i love being on thease forums  O0
whoa...nice rant, DK. but according to me and 26 others, there all good. MPA(Mario Party Advance) was the only one reported as bad.
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