HEY! WHO BLEW THIS BUBBLE? (Spongebob Squarepants)

the thug tug

*pops the bubble*
You all know the rules!
All bubble blowing babies will be beaten senseless by every able-bodied patron in the bar! (bar)
That's right! So who blew it!?
So... nobody knows!
Maybe it was... *gets slapped*
Somebody in here ain't a real man!
*Spongebob and Patrick try to sneak by unnoticed*
You two! We're on a baby hunt and don't think we don't know how to weed them out!
Now everybody line up!
*everybody lines up*
DJ, time for the test!
*the "I'm a Goofy Goober" song plays*
No baby can resist singing along to this!
Spongebob, it's the Goofy Goober theme song!
I know...
It was you! You're the baby!
No no, I only coughed! I swear!
DJ! Turn it up louder!
Don't sing along Patrick....
I'm trying... Trying so hard!
*walks over to Spongebob and Patrick*
I'm a goofy goober yeah...
You're a goofy goober yeah...
We're all goofy goobers yeah...
Goofy Goofy Goofy Goobers Yeah!
*walks over to the voice*
Well well well. Which one of you babies was it?
It was him! Uh, He did it! I never even eaten it! Goofy Goofy Goofy Goobers Yeah!
*both cover their mouths*
Well well well. Looks like we got ourselves a double baby!