Favorite Mario Party 3 item?

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Reverse Mushroom, no question.  I like to use it to abuse Boo, notably on chilly waters.

Example: Reverse to the Boo on the right side, choose to move towards the ! Space, move back to the Boo, go Backwards so the boo is in front of me, use the Boo again on my next turn.  Eeeevil!  And something Similar to this can be done in Spiny Desert...  ;D

I Love the Reverse Mushroom!  The Koopa Card is pretty good too.
I definitely will go with the reverse mushroom, I love to visit boo several times with it, especially in Woody Woods. The Magic lamp I mean it brings you instantly to the star, who wouldn't want that? i love the animation of the wacky watch and having the ability to manipulate the length of the game. The cellular shopper can be used to purchase an item anywhere and no other item in the series can do that. I really can't decide between them, I'll always get these items when I can  ;D.
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