Fan-Fic Codenamed: Project L.i.g.h.t.s.p.e.e.d.

Yea so I'm going to be doing a fan-fic for no real reason other than I want to say I made a fan-fic and finished it and my writing skills are poor and I'm hoping this will be a great learning experience to improve them.

Project X is not its name its real name is something completely different. Mario, Peach, Daisy, Plum, Luigi, Rosalina, and Toadsworth star in it. Each one of the main characters are no longer their Mario personas now they take on the roles of pro sportsmen. with Baseball, Tennis, Soccer, Golf, and Figure Skating being the sports. Rosalina and Toadsworth don't have sports they represent because Rosalina is a scientist and Toadsworth the retired army general in charge of a secret project and Peach is his daughter. The characters have generally the same personalities as their game counterparts they just aren't plumbers or princesses. Plum is the only one to stay the same since she was never anything other than a regular human. Bowser and Bowser Jr. are the main villains of the story with help from Pauline who is now an evil demon lady.

So yea hopefully it will make sense once I feel like its ready for show. Well till then LATAH!