Duel Mode (Mario Party 3)

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Orange Star (100 Posts) Legacy User (Gold)
I loved playing duel mode with my cousins when I was younger. It's so much fun, but not as fun as battle royal. The whole concept is so awesome.
My favorite is probably Baby Bowser, not sure why but he's very useful for me.
Duel Mode was groundbreaking in design. It definitely was a refreshing twist to matches.

I'm happy with most of the partners, but what I really hope for is a doubling of partners (e.g. Koopa x2).
The payment system was intriguing, and the space system was confusing but practical.
Let's discuss tactics/strategies on this mode.

Do you prefer to play with (given the chance) two attackers or an attacker and a defender? What I mean by an attacker is a partner that deals high damage; an defender is one who has high life, or has tricks up their sleeve in battle (essentially only Boo).

While I haven't played this mode in a while, my strategy would be to have a balanced defnder/attacker bringing up the rear, and an attacker up front. I think that when I played, I usually encountered my foe from behind (or vice versa), so this strategy would be fairly useful.
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