Do you hate starting shows midway

I know one thing I hate to do is start watching something midway in, especially if its like a new episode cause i get too curious to know what happens in the beginning so I just dont watch it and wait for a re-run. Movies I dont mind as much though cause beginnings of movies arent always exciting anyways.
The power of streaming compels you.

EDIT: Also, TimeWarner's "On Demand".
I'm only affected if it's a "new episode" to me. Most of the time it's a rerun though, so I'm good :p And it would only affect shows I actually have interest in. Most of the time you're in the middle of a half hour block and you gotta make due with the current one to be over before the next one (that shows what you actually wanna watch). So you just watch the last half of Jersey Shore or whatever the kids get ignorant with nowadays  B|