Dislike about the N64 Mario Parties

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I think MarioParty3 I didnt like cuz of Daisy cuming in.
I dislike that on Mario Party 1 and 2(i believe) in some mini-games you lose coins. That really sucks. Especially if you have just enough coins for star and you lose them from a mini-game. I'm glad they took that out when Mario Party 3 came.
kinetic563 said:
I dislike that on Mario Party 1 and 2(i believe) in some mini-games you lose coins. That really sucks. Especially if you have just enough coins for s star and you lose them from a mini-game. I'm glad they took that out when Mario Party 3 came.

It only happened in MP1 and that would also be the only thing I hated about the N64 parties. Other than that they were amazing
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