In Mario Party 7, each partner duo has a unique orb that only they can obtain and use. They include:
- Fireball Orb - Mario and Luigi will steal 10 coins from anyone they pass for two turns.
- Flower Orb - Peach and Daisy will collect 3 coins for every space they pass in a single turn.
- Egg Orb - Yoshi and Birdo will eat up any orb traps they pass in a single turn. These will be added to their inventory.
- Vacuum Orb - Wario and Waluigi will spin a roulette and steal either 1, 3, 5, or 10 coins from all players.
- Magic Orb - Boo and Dry Bones will double their roll count for two turns. This will also make them invincible against passing traps.
- Triple 'Shroom Orb - Toad and Toadette will automatically use a Mushroom for three consecutive turns.