(Another) Misspelling in Mario Party 1

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In Mario Party 1, after you've collected 100 stars and played every board except Eternal Star at least once, Bowser (most likely) appears in Mushroom Village. However Toad says: "Hey, it seeems like something's wrong in Mushroom Village." There is 1 e-letter in Seems-word too much.

I wouldn't have known about this misspelling, if I didn't watch WRTP's (WiiRikeToPray) Mario Party - Bowser's Magma Mountain (Rounds 16-20) video.

Here's YouTube-video, in case anyone is wondering (Misspelling comes at about 17:05 mark.) Mario Party - Bowser's Magma Mountain (Rounds 16-20)
MP1 is filled with grammar mistakes LOL Some of them I never noticed, and I definitely did not notice that "seeems" before, nice find.

Dark Boo said:
Mario Party 1 was cumbersome with their spelling/grammar mistakes. It took them a while to realize that if you have 3 players, you're suppose to use win instead of wins!
I think they used wins cuz they assumed people would say it individually rather than together.
"Mario wins!"
"Luigi wins!"
"Peach wins!"

but no one said it like that. :p
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