A Wacky's Story - April 2012

Do you think I should post my original works, after I finish high school?

  • No - Continue with your fan art.

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Sunday, April 1, 2012
I guess nothing really much happened that day other than the fact that my Spring Break offically ended.  Today was also my mother's birthday.  The forum was fine until things went out of control.  I was plan to do a joke, but it didn't turn out so successfully.

Monday, April 2, 2012
I was really busy with my research paper this day.  Also tried to read my book because I have to do a book review soon.  My mom loved my birthday gift I made for her.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Kind of like April 2, but I managed to finish my paper.  I tried to work on a few GFX things to spice up my blog. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Today was an okay day.  Just trying to take it easy and everything.  I'm a little sad because I feel like I lost interest in dA.. and artwork in general.  It's somewhat killing me because that's what people knows me for.  If I didn't do anything like this, what is my purpose?  I also suppose to have a dentist appointment today, but that never really happened.  For the brightside of things, I spoke to a friend who I known since 2008.  It makes me so happy considering I didn't see him since October 2011.  Quite depressing, but I guess it's better than nothing.  I am still not finished getting my blog ready.  I have a few more things to do, but I'm not holding another day to not post anything here.  So yeah.

Maybe things will get better?  Maybe I will be more inspired?  I don't really know.  Also, I'll start posting days in separate posts for now on.
Thursday, April 5, 2012

It was a fair day for me, today.  Statistics class was boring as heck!  The video we watched was extremely boring, and the worksheet didn't do much, either.  Have to find a newspaper because I have to look at something for homework.  AP Studio Art was alright.  I like how my project is coming along.  English 12 was okay, too.  I managed to type up my paper, but I had to finish it at home (which I did.  :b).  History was pretty good.  I watched a movie "Glory" and I finished watching it today.  We had to do a worksheet, but it was easy.  I only worked on the first paragraph.  I only read half of my book, but I might read some more tonight.

We had spaghetti for dinner.  It was alright, really.  I hope I don't get heartburn at the middle of the night, though.
Good news is that I don't have school tomorrow - Friday, April 6, 2012.  Rejoice!  :)

I STILL have not finish organizing, but maybe if things will go as planned tonight, maybe I can finish things up.  c:
Mood:  Neutral Happy
Friday, April 6, 2012

Today has been a fair day for me.  I enjoyed my day out of school, honestly.  I didn't read my book nor did anything else, school-wise.  I gave one of my dogs a bath.  It wasn't easy, but I guess it is one down.  :u  For some reason, I felt like I was extremely moody.  Whenever I go to places like Deviantart or Tumblr, I can't help but to feel ill.  Something about those sites is making me feel like crap, and I don't like it.  Is it because I haven't done much artwork or is it because I have uploadingartstuff-itis?  Meh, whatever it is, I hope it goes away because I hate feeling down.  I guess the upload for this day is that I managed to draw something and complete it DECENTLY (I guess the avatar there is a hint).  I don't know why, but my artwork has gone down, quality-wise.  Again, I don't know what is up - maybe it's because I don't feel like drawing as much as I used to?  Maybe I took way too long of an art break?

Maybe I'm losing my mind.  Oh well!  I'm a bit tired, so I might go to bed soon.  Heh.

Mood:  Neutral Happy/Tired
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Well, I woke up around 9:30 this morning.  I didn't eat much, but I went out with my sister.  We had to wash her car, and that itself was not easy.  :c  I guess it was my first time, but I hope I get better!  We have to drive around to find an air tank.  XD  Then, she took me out to drive.  It was alright, even if I made a few mistakes.  I almost flipped my shit when I thought I lost my permit.  -_-  Good thing it wasn't lost.  I decided to eat rice for lunch, and it was really good!  I had pizza for dinner, but I didn't eat very much of it because I (think) am getting sick and tired of pizza.  For some reason, it makes me want to get sick and the taste doesn't really help.  Today was alright.  Again, didn't read any of my book.  Maybe I will read it tomorrow, and enjoy Easter too.  I might even post a few artworks on Tumblr (because I think it's shit for dA's standards, imo), but I don't know when.

Mood:  Peaceful
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Well, it was Easter.  Nothing really much happened for me, today.  While Easter isn't one of my favorite holidays, but it isn't a terrible holiday either.  I didn't do much, but we did have a huge dinner.  It was delightful, but I didn't eat too much.  Afterwards, I had to help out my father to clean up.  I managed to read my book, but only got about seven pages.  I continued to write down my book review.  I didn't bother doing my Statistics homework because it was too vague and complex.  Confuses me, so I wrote random shit on it.  Haha.  :b  My research paper is due tomorrow, too.  I have to print it, but I have to do it at my school to print it out.  Why do I put stuff off is beyond me, but I managed to make a new banner, so I might make a new topic here tomorrow.  I might make some new artwork, if I can.  :U  I have to go to bed early since tomorrow is school, and I have to wake up around 6:30 AM to get ready.  I'm really tired, so I might go to bed in a few minutes.  I hope tomorrow won't be a bad day, but I have my doubts.

I need to really stop putting stuff off to later date.  God.

Happy Birthday to H-J, for the last time before tomorrow.  lol.  :u

Mood:  Delightful
Monday, April 9, 2012

Well, I guess I went to school today!  I managed to get there a little earlier than usual, so I tried to print out my paper.  Turns out that the library computers are reeeeaaaallly slow.  I decided to print it before C block class started.  Anyways, my Prob/Stat class was dull as usual.  We watched a movie AND get the video guide again.  :\  I worked on the same project for my Studio Art Class.  English came around and I managed to turn in everything that I worked on, which is the research paper things.  She liked my paper, but I can't guarantee that I will get an A on the paper.  Maybe about a seventy percent?  I don't know, but whatever it is, I'm going to get it back, correct it, and turn it in again so my grade will improve.  History class was alright.  Did questions and notes, but I'm excited for Thursday because we are going on a field trip!  The bad thing was that I had a huge headache the whole day and it bothered me to no end.

Headed home, I decided to work on my Stats homework.  I have no idea why it took me about three hours to finish it, but whatever.  I'm going to have to read that book I have tomorrow.  God, it seems like I don't have much time to do anything anymore.  What can you do though?

I actually feel pretty happy tonight.  I want to do something productive, but damn schedule will not allow me.  Maybe my happiness will continue on tomorrow.

Mood:  Happy.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I had to take a Math test this morning.  To be honest, it was really easy.  I'm actually excited of what I am getting on this test, especially considering that I studied for it!  I did the same thing in Studio Art, so nothing really new there.  I'm starting to not like my English class anymore, because it seems like teachers and the staff like the pile things up in this class.  It's not fun at all and to add insult to injury, I have to take the state test..  -_-  History was alright, we watched a movie.  The weather was nice, but windy.  I decided to read outside for about two hours.  I managed to read about forty-fifty pages in my book!  I also decided to catch up on my book review, which the rough draft is due in three days.  I think I'm going to wait until Friday to do the extra things because I feel like time is so short and I have stuff to do.  I have to remember doing such tasks on that day.  (Hahaha, Friday the 13th.  :b)

Glad I'm catching up on things.  I'm still working on my little doodle, which it turning out GREAT!

Mood:  Calm Happy
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Well, I started of having to take a quiz in Statistics.  We had to do random samples and whatnot with areas of rectangles.  I put two hundred for my answer and the teacher flipped his shit.  xD  *Sigh* STILL doing the same damn thing in Studio Art, but I'm ALMOST DONE WITH THE PROJECT.  :D  English was boring as usual, but I managed to win candy.  :b  I'm still curious of what I got on my research paper, but we'll see.  History, I almost managed to finish the movie, but didn't.  I wanted to see the rest of it!  It was so good!  :mad:

I'm excited and nervous tomorrow.  Excited because I'm going on a field trip, and nervous because I have to go to the dentist (if my mom doesn't change the appointment  haha).  I have to get two fillings in my mouth, but I guess it won't be too bad (at least I hope because the last time I had a filling, it hurt like hell.  :<).  Just hope everything goes into plan.  My rough draft of my book review is due in two days.  :U  I didn't bother reading the book today, either.  Bwahahaha.

Also, I managed to finish my doodle!  :D
Here's a preview!  I might upload the whole thing Friday.  The issue is, I have no idea where.  xP

Mood:  Happy.
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Well, I only had to stay in my Stats. class for about thirty minutes, then I had to go on the field trip!  I enjoyed the field trip, but it was a shame that one of my best friends didn't go.  :<  I would have enjoyed the field trip even more if it is wasn't so damn cold!  I almost froze where I was at.  -_-  At least lunch was good - Tacos and cookies and tea!  :D  After we ate lunch, we had about two hours of free time.  I just doodled the whole time in the sun, and I love how my sketch came out.  I managed to finish it and I'm currently inking it.  I will color it with color pencils when I get done cleaning up.  :b  I liked the cave area the most.  c:  I'm probably behind in English, but I don't care.  d:  I might finish up that project in Studio Art tomorrow as well as other things.

My brother is pestering me about OoT.  >.<  He keeps saying random stuff and I'm not paying attention to what he is saying.

I didn't go to the dentist today for some reason.  Oooooh Well~

Mood:  Happy, but a little annoyed and tired
I do not understand why you hate English so much. Its pretty much the best class ever next to History. :p
Aegis said:
I do not understand why you hate English so much. Its pretty much the best class ever next to History. :p

I don't hate English a lot.  I don't really mind the content, but lately, English class has been EXTREMELY annoying.  Ever since we had a substitute teacher in there, things have gotten way out of control.  The sub teacher talks a lot, everyone is spitting paper wads at each other and around the classroom; and some of the people are extremely loud, rude, and obnoxious.  It's really hard to focus in that class sometimes, it's at the point where I go crazy.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Today was a decent day.  In Stats, we just worked on a worksheet that was not difficult to do.  I managed to finish my project in Studio Art, thank heavens!  English is the same as always, but it wasn't too bad compared to the earlier days.  I still don't know what I got on research paper.  History was a easy day - I finished the movie and the classwork.  I also turned in my rough draft, which I hope I get a good score, considering it's about 3-4 pages handwritten.

I manage to figure out that my dentist appointment isn't until April 19, which is *surprise* on a Thursday.

I managed to get my sketch inked.  I cleaned it up and started to color it a little.  c:  I cannot wait to finish this!  X3
Dinner was pretty nice, too.  n_n

Well, I managed to get cleaned up.  I guess I will start preparing things now, like I said I was gonna do.  c:

Happy Friday the 13th, everyone!
Fair enough. Subsitutes can sometimes be asshats and just will not control students because they think they aren't their problem. However, this Stats class seems awfully time consuming haha. But then again, I hate anything that has to do with math and calculations lol.
^ Haha.  8D  The Math part is so true.  XD  That's how I feel about Stats. Class.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

What a surprise!  Today wasn't too bad of a day for me!  I woke up around 10:15 AM.  (I usually sleep late, but I don't eat a lot, so my energy depends on my sleep more.  :V)  My sister wanted me to go somewhere, so we went to the park.  We really didn't do much because we were visiting and relaxing.  Few of my friends were fishing and it was fun seeing what they were catching.  We had to leave and clean out the car, and then we head home.  I did a few chores just to get it out of the way, then I took it easy.  Dinner was alright, but I didn't finish.  Baha.  Just answering a few questions here and there.  I need to make an opinion topic, maybe like "Give an opinion, Receive an opinion!" thing.  Who knows, I still need to plan it out.  c:  But yeah, it was a decent Saturday.  ;]

Mood:  Calm Happy
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Today was an alright day, but it was pretty boring.  I finished my math homework and finished coloring the sketch I did.  C:  I loved how it turned out.  >u<  Seeing my traditional artworks puts a smile on my face, even if I'm down and out.  I just did the usual things and I'm ready for school.  This is probably one of the shorter journal entries I have.  Oh well.  Sundays are boring days anyways.  :/  I'm talking to one of my buddies that I met back in 2008, so that makes me happy a bit, too.  c:

Mood:  Neutral Happy
Monday, April 16, 2012

Today was a nice day.  :)  Stats is dull as always, but I didn't have to stay in there the whole time!  Studio Art, I tried to do some perspective, but my teacher said I didn't really do it.  My bad.  :P.  English was better than usual, because people was making jokes in there and I was laughing XD.  I also managed to get my research paper back as well!  I got an eighty (80), which is a C.  To be honest, I'm surprised!  I thought I would get a little worse than that, but I'm pretty happy I got that grade!  :D  The teacher told me I needed to fix some punctuational errors, and that's it.  Otherwise, she loved my paper and said it was pretty good research!  All I have to do is re-print it and turn it in!  A lot of people made sixties (60s) on their paper.  Don't know why, but still happy with the grade I got.  History was alright, I guess.  I got my rough draft back and I got a 'Wow!  20/20".  Again, I thought my teacher would hate the paper.  X'D.  I guess I'm doing pretty swell.  <3!

Well, I'm trying to work on a gift for one of my friends on dA.  His birthday is in six (6) days!  D:  I hope I can come up something good between now and then!  I didn't even start on the Taurus picture yet..  which I need to do before May 1st.

It was pretty good for a Monday, I say!

Mood:  Happy
I loved Studio Art but damn did I suck when it came to still lifes and landscaping. What was supposed to be a Le Trec could very well become a Chuck Jones with me lol.
Aegis said:
I loved Studio Art but damn did I suck when it came to still lifes and landscaping. What was supposed to be a Le Trec could very well become a Chuck Jones with me lol.

Still Life and Landscaping is okay.  I still do crap when it comes to people's portraits (w/o photo reference) because I would always screw up proportions.  :c  Nice comparison.  |D

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

For starters, I did not have enough sleep last night.  I managed to wake up around 3-4 AM EST because I was feeling sick.  I guess I ate a little too much, maybe heartburn got to me, and/or I was stressing out as hell.  [[Note:  I guess I have Acid Reflux disease because I have these constant heartburns and I gag when I do.  ><]]  I decided to go back to bed until 7 AM, then I woke up.  On to school, Stats class is BORING as ALWAYS.  The class makes me sleepy . . . oh shit.  I just realized that I needed to finish my assignment.  Awww shit!  I can't believe I forgot.  XD  It happens though.  Studio Art, we were doing two-point perspective.  Kind of boring and reminds me of Drawing I.  English was horrible as hell because we had to take a damn state test.  Guess who made the test?  The same people who makes the ACT tests.  What does that mean?  IT WAS A TIMED TEST!  We had forty-five minutes and thirty-five questions.  It was a reading test - I hate timed reading tests because I tend to rush and do poorly.  |D  People were causing trouble as always in the class.  XD  History class, we watched Napoleon Dynomite - that helped the mood up, considering the fact I felt like crap all day.  I'm still working on my buddy's gift and it's going great so far!  C:

I guess I need to finish my math homework before it's too late.  XD;  I might get better sleep tonight - and I might go on a field trip tomorrow if it doesn't rain.

Mood:  Was below average, but now Neutral/Tired.
31GHT B1T S3RVANT said:
Are you on any sort of treatment for your reflux?

Timed tests, man XD The worst ones I've found are "60 questions in 30 minutes" ones, those are murder.

I haven't done a still life in ages myself, and never did real landscaping drawings. XP

Hope tomorrow'll be better for ya C;

Yes, Acid Reducer.

I know, right?  -_- I think timed test in general are annoying.  It's like time is there to rush you.  :I  I can't focus when I'm rushed.

Oh wow.  :U

Thank you for the encouragement.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spite that I didn't go on a field trip (due to rain), today was a decent day!  Stats was a lot more fun than it usually is.  The classwork wasn't too hard.  The best part though is when the teacher mentioned '69' in class, I went 'Pffffffffft!  XD'  He caught on, laughed about it, and changed the number to '64'.  I was a little late, but I could've said N64, for kicks.  My friends were laughing about it as hard as I was.  Then, I had a firedrill, so I had to go outside while it was raining.  Next class, still working on two point perspective, but I'm almost done!  English, we had to write an essay, so it was meh.  I managed to print out my paper and whatnot, so it's all good.  History was alright, but not as swell as yesterday.  We didn't manage to finish Napoleon Dynomite.  |D  Ah well.

I had Salad for dinner since I didn't want to eat pizza.  For some reason, Pizza gives me bad heartburn.  Salad was nice, so no value was loss.  :U

Mood:  Decent
Oh man, you too? Normally i can handle pizza fine but recently frozen pizzas have been really kicking my arse. Like, it gives me some really achy joints and a hurting stomach.

I think they do timed tests to see how you calculate in situations where a quick decision on the fly is needed, but they still suck.
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