- Event Type
- Landing Event
- Passing Event
- Input Required
- Yes (Parameter)
- Programming Language
- MIPS (Assembly)
- Source
- Custom-Made
This event allows the player to pay a number of coins (decided by the parameter "Price") to warp to another space. Any number of destinations is supported, and are determined by setting the parameter array "Destinations". The parameter array "DestNext" should be set to the first space the player will move toward after warping. The parameter array "Dest1Behind" should be set to the first space behind the destination space; that is, the first space the player will move toward when in reverse. Similarly, the parameter array "Dest2Behind" should be set to the space behind "Dest1Behind". Ensure that the order the spaces are set is the same between all parameter arrays. During the event, the player will face the space designated by the parameter "SpaceToFace".
In the case that the event warps a player back to Start, set "Dest1Behind" onto the same space as "DestNext" and "Dest2Behind" onto the first space behind that space, so that a player in reverse would walk from Start to "Dest1Behind", then to "Dest2Behind".
This event should be Everdrive-compatible. If there are any issues, please feel free to let me know!