Lucky Space

MP3 Lucky Space

Event Type
  1. Landing Event
  2. Passing Event
Input Required
Yes (Parameter)
Programming Language
MIPS (Assembly)
Playable on N64 Hardware
  • Set the Timeable parameter to TRUE if you would like for the Lucky Space's Roulette to be timeable.
  • Set the Timeable parameter to FALSE if you would like for the Roulette result to be random.
  • It is not recommended for users to change the Indexes for the outcomes that already exist on this event.

    This event is mostly a replica of the Mario Party Superstars Lucky Space. Almost all of the outcomes offered on it are from the original, the main difference is the 2-coin result being added, and the 15, 17, and 20 coin results not being present, for balance reasons. The event factors in the current placing of the player, also for balance reasons. For example, a player in 1st or 2nd Place cannot find a Golden Mushroom on the roulette, while a player in 3rd or 4th cannot find a Mushroom. Each placing has 8 outcomes total that can appear on the roulette, and the event will pick 5 at random to place on-screen. If you set the Timeable parameter to TRUE, the roulette will function like MP3's Bowser Event, where the hand will always stop on whatever result it was at when the player pressed (A). The event also has the same timing as Bowser's Event roulette, cycling through every option every other frame. If the parameter is set to FALSE, the outcome will be randomized regardless of when the player presses (A). If you get an Item Bag, it can pull any item, except Wacky Watch, as it is not an item available in any of the game's Item Bags.


    If you are interested in only changing the items and the number of coins that are given, there's 2 things you have to do (While making these types of changes, make sure you do not change the order of the code.):

    1) Change the value being passed to S5. Using the following screenshot, if you were to want to change the Mushroom that is given to a Reverse Mushroom (Item Index 3), you would simply change Outcome 0's instruction to "LI S5 3".

    For changing coin amounts, you also simply change the value passed to S5 in the following screenshot:

    2) Change the corresponding Outcomes_String to match the new item/coin amount that you are giving, using the following screenshot:

    Please inform me if you have found any bugs or have any questions about the event. You can find me on the Mario Party Legacy/Mario Party Netplay Discord servers as "Airsolan".
  • Screenshot #1.PNG
    Screenshot #1.PNG
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  • Screenshot #3.PNG
    Screenshot #3.PNG
    530 KB · Views: 198
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings
First release
Last update

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  1. (1.1) CPU Functionality

    It currently softlocks if a CPU triggers the event, as it is always looking for a controller's...

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Solely appreciate you for keeping the legacy alive!!!
Used in personal board
Thank you! Please be sure to get the updated version of this event, as the original has an issue with CPUs.