- Board Difficulty
- Average
- Recommended Turns
- 30
- Custom Events
- Yes (Unique)
- Custom Music
- No
- Playable on N64 Hardware
- Untested
- Space Count
- 79
- Theme
- Daisy
"Budding blooms and pesky pests." With Waluigi bringing the party to the island, so too does Daisy bring the party to her garden!
The main gimmick of this board is the layout, shaped like a flower. As it's easy to loop around the board on the main path, take advantage of the various "petals", each with their own benefits. Some are filled with items, some have more Happening Spaces, one has Boo, and one has Chance Time. Notably, while the board looks rather pleasant, Battle Minigames are actually quite common, so players will definitely be at each other's throats here! It's a bit like a nod to Daisy's feisty personality.
Speaking of events, there are a number at play here! There are 6 Happening Spaces near the sunflowers that produce so much pollen that they cause you to sneeze so hard that you get sent flying to another space! Take note that each instance of this event sends you in front of a potential Star Space...
The Happening Space in the top-left, in front of the Daisy mirror, will ask you a personality quiz with three questions. Depending on how you answer, you can get coins, get an item, or warp another player to your space!
The top petal, blocked by a Skeleton Gate, hosts two different events. The Happening Spaces right in front of Petey Piranha will activate a unique custom event (Pay Coins to Make Lose Stars or Coins, available to download). If you land here, you'll pay Petey Piranha 60 coins and he'll subtract 1 Star from each of your opponents, or 20 coins if they don't have a Star - quite the sabotaging tool! However, if you don't have enough coins, he'll shoo you away. The outer two Happening Spaces cause a Piranha Plant to bite you, making you lose more coins the higher the turn number.
The final Happening Space at the bottom petal, just next to the bank, warps you to the Super Mario Land-styled picnic mat. Here, Flutter will thank you for joining him at his picnic, and will give you a mushroom-themed item or even a Star!
Additionally, there are two toggleable rules for the board: the Last 5 Turns Event and a custom Bonus Star. The Last 5 Turns event activates at the end of the 6th last turn and will provide last-place with a gift: an item, coins, or, if players aren't tied for last, a miracle. The miracle will trigger one of the following new rules:
- Blue Space Ruleset: When 4th place lands on a Blue Space, a Hidden Block is guaranteed to appear.
- Red Space Ruleset: Landing on a Red Space now has a chance to become a Bowser, Battle, Chance Time, or Game Guy Space.
- Koopa Bank Ruleset: When passing a Bank Space, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place players must pay extra coins.
- Bonus Star Boost: A random one of the last place player's Bonus Stars is boosted each turn: 7 for Minigame Star, 10 for Coin Star, and 1 for Happening/Battle Star.
- Snifit Benefit: The last place player will receive a coin bonus each turn.
Finally, the board now uses custom music courtesy of Mar&luna23, employing a slightly slower version of the Peach Gardens theme from Mario Kart DS. All credits go to them for creating the custom MIDI file. The custom music is already included in the JSON file. If you choose against using custom music, I suggest selecting "A Winner is ME!" as the in-game music track, which was the original music used for this board (and also the theme for Backtrack, where you would duel Daisy during story mode).
That about wraps it up for Daisy's Garden. It's nice to see it come full circle from the pre-PP64 days to the era of custom events! The board should be Everdrive-compatible. I'd also like to give thanks to Airsola, Rain, and Spongyoshi for assisting in buggy code and providing the coding basis for many of the custom events, in particular a special shoutout to Rain for sharing his "GetRand" function and Spongyoshi for creating the original Last 5 Turns Event. Finally, I'd like to thank FixedFun for sharing his high-resolution art assets of the item shop and Koopa bank, and I'd like to thank Mar&luna23 for creating the custom music MIDI file. Thanks are also in order to everyone who has given feedback on the board and helped to improve it! If you find any issues, do not hesitate to let me know! Many thanks!
Edit Log:
EDIT (v4.2):
-Now includes custom music. (Credit goes to Mar&luna23 for creating the MIDI file!)
EDIT (v4.11):
-Added art for the pause menu icon and results screen icon.
EDIT (v4.1):
-Last 5 Turns Event: Fixed a crash when stealing coins from opponents.
EDIT (v4):
-Consolidated the Vanilla and Chocolate versions of the board into one version.
-Daisy's Mirror: Adjusted the odds and coin amounts for the Daisy outcome.
-Last 5 Turns Event: Slightly adjusted the item odds for 4th-place.
-Piranha Plant: Adjusted the coin amounts taken.
-Rules of the Board: Changed the parameters to set the board-wide Custom Rules flag instead of toggling the event off and now recognises if the Custom Rules are on or off.
-Snifit Benefit Ruleset: Adjusted the odds and coin amounts.
-Made the following events compatible with the board-wide Custom Rules flag: "Blue Space Ruleset", "Koopa Bank Ruleset", "Last 5 Turns Event", "Red Space Ruleset", and "Snifit Benefit Ruleset".
-Adjusted the pathing so that players can no longer reverse into Start.
-Made minor edits to various event messages.
EDIT (v3):
-Revamped all the board art.
-Adjusted the number of Star spawns from 8 to 7.
-Added two Happening Spaces to the top-left petal.
-Slightly adjusted Boo's location.
-Recreated every event from scratch to account for more optimal coding.
-Board now has both a Vanilla version and Chocolate version, with the Chocolate version incorporating the "Last 5 Turns Event", "Blue Space Ruleset", "Red Space Ruleset", "Red Space Ruleset Fix-up", "Koopa Bank Ruleset", and "Snifit Benefit Ruleset".
-Back to Blue: Now incorporates the Hidden Block fix function.
-Daisy's Mirror: Revamped to include new outcomes.
-Petey Piranha: Adjusted the price and coins lost by rivals.
-Picnic Basket: Revamped to include item outcomes.
-Piranha Plant: The number of coins lost is now dependent on the turn number.
-Sneeze Warp: Slightly adjusted some warp destinations. Avoids potentially doubling the Happening Space count.
-Added the "Rules of the Board" event.
-Fixed the issue when reversing from a merge space. (Credit goes to Airsola for the event!)
EDIT (v2.6):
-Optimised code for some events.
EDIT (v2.5):
-Sneeze Warp: No longer causes crash on Everdrive. (Credit to Airsola for the code fix and Maciaga for Everdrive testing!)
EDIT (v2.4):
-Optimised code for all events.
-Daisy Mirror: Should no longer cause purported crash issue.
-Sneeze Warp: Now displaces the player after warp to avoid clipping with players already on the space.
-Picnic Basket: Now uses "Star Get" player voice clips.
EDIT (v2.3):
-Fixed a reverse issue.
EDIT (v2.2):
-Sneeze Warp: Bottom-most event has altered destination space to prevent glitching back to Start. After the warp, the player will now face the original Happening Space.
-Daisy Mirror: Players now face the mirror during the event.
-Petey Piranha: Players now face Petey Piranha during the event.
-Picnic: Players now cheer after warping and face the screen. The picnic mat is now on a separate chain from the rest of the board and cannot be reversed into.
-Picnic Basket: Players now face the screen during the "Star Get" animation, and now includes "Star Get" music. Players with 99 Stars will no longer receive a Star from the event.
EDIT (v2.1):
-Sneeze Warp: Now includes ? fade-out transitions, voice, and dizzy animation, and properly sets the player to Happening Space (green) status. Hidden Block spawn upon warp is also prevented. Hidden Block fix is implemented, and also prevents a second player landing on the warped-to space from attaining green status as opposed to blue. (Credit to Airsola for the Hidden Block fix code!) However, there is still a small chance of obtaining 2 Hidden Blocks from one space.
-Daisy Mirror: Now includes happy voice and animation.
-Petey Piranha: Now includes ? fade-out transitions and cry voices from all opponents.
-Piranha Plant: Now includes ? fade-out transitions, dizzy animation, and voice.
-Picnic: Now includes ? fade-out transitions, and "Picnic Basket" event now includes "Star Get" voice and animation.
-Reverse fixes: reversing into Start or at the start of the "Picnic" event path should prevent being caught into an infinite loop. (Credit to Airsola for the reverse fix code!)
-Now includes custom music. (Credit goes to Mar&luna23 for creating the MIDI file!)
EDIT (v4.11):
-Added art for the pause menu icon and results screen icon.
EDIT (v4.1):
-Last 5 Turns Event: Fixed a crash when stealing coins from opponents.
EDIT (v4):
-Consolidated the Vanilla and Chocolate versions of the board into one version.
-Daisy's Mirror: Adjusted the odds and coin amounts for the Daisy outcome.
-Last 5 Turns Event: Slightly adjusted the item odds for 4th-place.
-Piranha Plant: Adjusted the coin amounts taken.
-Rules of the Board: Changed the parameters to set the board-wide Custom Rules flag instead of toggling the event off and now recognises if the Custom Rules are on or off.
-Snifit Benefit Ruleset: Adjusted the odds and coin amounts.
-Made the following events compatible with the board-wide Custom Rules flag: "Blue Space Ruleset", "Koopa Bank Ruleset", "Last 5 Turns Event", "Red Space Ruleset", and "Snifit Benefit Ruleset".
-Adjusted the pathing so that players can no longer reverse into Start.
-Made minor edits to various event messages.
EDIT (v3):
-Revamped all the board art.
-Adjusted the number of Star spawns from 8 to 7.
-Added two Happening Spaces to the top-left petal.
-Slightly adjusted Boo's location.
-Recreated every event from scratch to account for more optimal coding.
-Board now has both a Vanilla version and Chocolate version, with the Chocolate version incorporating the "Last 5 Turns Event", "Blue Space Ruleset", "Red Space Ruleset", "Red Space Ruleset Fix-up", "Koopa Bank Ruleset", and "Snifit Benefit Ruleset".
-Back to Blue: Now incorporates the Hidden Block fix function.
-Daisy's Mirror: Revamped to include new outcomes.
-Petey Piranha: Adjusted the price and coins lost by rivals.
-Picnic Basket: Revamped to include item outcomes.
-Piranha Plant: The number of coins lost is now dependent on the turn number.
-Sneeze Warp: Slightly adjusted some warp destinations. Avoids potentially doubling the Happening Space count.
-Added the "Rules of the Board" event.
-Fixed the issue when reversing from a merge space. (Credit goes to Airsola for the event!)
EDIT (v2.6):
-Optimised code for some events.
EDIT (v2.5):
-Sneeze Warp: No longer causes crash on Everdrive. (Credit to Airsola for the code fix and Maciaga for Everdrive testing!)
EDIT (v2.4):
-Optimised code for all events.
-Daisy Mirror: Should no longer cause purported crash issue.
-Sneeze Warp: Now displaces the player after warp to avoid clipping with players already on the space.
-Picnic Basket: Now uses "Star Get" player voice clips.
EDIT (v2.3):
-Fixed a reverse issue.
EDIT (v2.2):
-Sneeze Warp: Bottom-most event has altered destination space to prevent glitching back to Start. After the warp, the player will now face the original Happening Space.
-Daisy Mirror: Players now face the mirror during the event.
-Petey Piranha: Players now face Petey Piranha during the event.
-Picnic: Players now cheer after warping and face the screen. The picnic mat is now on a separate chain from the rest of the board and cannot be reversed into.
-Picnic Basket: Players now face the screen during the "Star Get" animation, and now includes "Star Get" music. Players with 99 Stars will no longer receive a Star from the event.
EDIT (v2.1):
-Sneeze Warp: Now includes ? fade-out transitions, voice, and dizzy animation, and properly sets the player to Happening Space (green) status. Hidden Block spawn upon warp is also prevented. Hidden Block fix is implemented, and also prevents a second player landing on the warped-to space from attaining green status as opposed to blue. (Credit to Airsola for the Hidden Block fix code!) However, there is still a small chance of obtaining 2 Hidden Blocks from one space.
-Daisy Mirror: Now includes happy voice and animation.
-Petey Piranha: Now includes ? fade-out transitions and cry voices from all opponents.
-Piranha Plant: Now includes ? fade-out transitions, dizzy animation, and voice.
-Picnic: Now includes ? fade-out transitions, and "Picnic Basket" event now includes "Star Get" voice and animation.
-Reverse fixes: reversing into Start or at the start of the "Picnic" event path should prevent being caught into an infinite loop. (Credit to Airsola for the reverse fix code!)
Detailed Stats for Events:
Daisy's Mirror Outcomes:
Piranha Plant Coins Lost:
Picnic Basket Outcomes:
Last 5 Turns Event Item Chances and Ruleset Specifics:
Snifit Benefit Ruleset Coins and Chances:

Piranha Plant Coins Lost:

Picnic Basket Outcomes:

Last 5 Turns Event Item Chances and Ruleset Specifics:

Snifit Benefit Ruleset Coins and Chances: