Wuhu Town


Wuhu Town takes place at night in the town from Wuhu Island as a battle stage in Mario Kart 7. The stage has buildings all over the place. It also has a fountain at the center of the stage which allows players to jump over it and accomplish a trick. There are also three small paths leading uphill to a small grass-covered area, where the Queen Peach cruise ship and the "Wii" blimp can be seen. Item Boxes are scattered near the center of the stage, usually where a path begins. There is a metal fence on the exits of the town and some white lights hanging on windows, roofs, or lit-up lampposts. Some parts of the town, between the buildings, have patches of grass and the rest is a bricked road.

The version of the battle music is much better than the other two. Also, I like that battle track more than the other two new ones.