Why the hell is our generation full of idiots?

So in the recent events of Phyllis Diller's and Neil Armstrong's death, I have really lost even more faith in humanity. How the hell are people so ignorant of people who brought so much to the world. I can somewhat understand Phyllis but not knowing who Neil Armstrong is? When our generation and the next become adults, the world is in trouble. I may leave the country.

On a slightly related note RIP Neil Armstrong. You showed us that the sky is not the limit when it comes to our dreams.
Can memorize all the members from One Direction
Doesn't know who Neil Armstrong is

Our generation is sad... the movie Idiocracy is slowly becoming more and more the future of the world (or at least America). I know who Neil was and he was an amazing man. Phyllis I will admit didn't know much about, but I still at least knew who she was.

I once met a kid who had no idea what the Lion King or Cinderella were... I cry for this generation.
This topic is hilarious.

"oh no some tween girl doesn't know about a guy who did this thing in the 1960's"

Given NASA's Space Shuttle program has ended, who cares? 600 years from now, nobody will know who he was besides from legend and myth. The same goes for all of us. Eventually we will all be forgotten. It sucks, but it be the truth.

Now stop whining. :I
Toblet said:
Dark Boo said:
You got to be kidding me, they didn't know who Neil Armstrong was...
I've met people who don't even know who our Prime Minister is... :p
Your kidding me right? they don't even know our prime minister! They don't know the first president, they don't know Neil Armstrong. But 1st graders play on their ipad, and memorize every character of the Jersey Shore. Facepalm
Aegis said:
This topic is hilarious.

"oh no some tween girl doesn't know about a guy who did this thing in the 1960's"

Given NASA's Space Shuttle program has ended, who cares? 600 years from now, nobody will know who he was besides from legend and myth. The same goes for all of us. Eventually we will all be forgotten. It sucks, but it be the truth.

Now stop whining. :I

It's our heritage and something people should know. The space program ending shouldn't  just wipe the memories of everything it has accomplished throughout the years. What if basket ball or football ended and tebow or shaq died and no one knew who they were? People would sure be b****ing then.