Who the F*** would lie about cancer?

This is simply horrible, words cannot even describe how I feel about this...

My grandmother died several years ago because of cancer, my mom has suffer a lot because of that. In my lifetime, I've seen many people die because of cancer and others hopefully survive. Never in my life, I saw someone joke about it...

I knew this picture would come in handy
what the f***, plum?
cancer has killed three people in my family that i was close to! hell, i run the risk of getting cancer sometime in my life! cancer is an absolutely horrible thing that people can go through and an experience i would never wish on my enemies and to just lie about it? you should have just straight up told everyone! call a therapist, take a break, whatever! but lie about having cancer?
really, what bullshit.
Super Mario 64 DS said:
Bloody Soul Kinetic said:

Not that, the "I lied about cancer guys". Or if it was done in post, then mention which topic has the post.

He admitted lying having cancer in THIS topic. Plum did not say so anywhere else. But people had their suspicions, like me.

The post:
★Plum★ said:
Okay yes it was bogus and I feel horrible for lying, but when I posted that I was in this deep depression and I had it in my mind I would never come back to the forum among many other things. After I had gotten over my depression I was just to scared to say I lied.  That's no excuse though and I'm sorry. I know it will be hard for people to forgive me, but I never meant any offense in it.
Toblet said:
If Plum announced he lied on this topic, then how did Aegis know beforehand that Plum lied?

I had my suspicions after a PM conversation we had about 2 months ago.
I honestly think that this is a bit to much. Cussing out Plum wont do anything. I cant relate to depression but it seems like a horrible thing. Your mind gets foggy and Plum did something wrong. What if Plum did have cancer and passed away. He would have been gone forever. Him still being here seems like a much better alternative. I know what he did was wrong but its just not right to gang up on him like this. He had his reasons, some that we will not understand. I hope you guys dont see me as bad for defending him. I have never lost a loved one to cancer so I have never and hopefully will never experience this pain.
The real problem I think is that Plum was at least in part motivated by gaining attention, I can't say for certain that his depressive slump made him make a critical error in judgement, or whether he was exploiting raw human emotion for his own benefit.

Unfortunately Plum's conduct really didn't show any remorse or even genuinity, even before yesterday. He constructed a seemingly intricate lie in which to live his forum life, and as successful as it may have been it's a catharsis to see it torn to shreds.

Plum really doesn't deserve any sympathy, and I'm not one to consider what if scenarios in cases like this - shattering your own reputation throws that out of the window.
Just wow.

I apologize for bringing this up late, but really. Lying about cancer is just out of the question. Something you should never do. Honestly, my grandmother died from cancer (and smoking too much) in January 2004. Lying may be fine if it's something really small, but lying about THIS is just too extreme. Most of us has pretty much lost respect for you. You might not see this post of mine, but if you are reading this, then that's something. No one deserves cancer at all, but sometimes it happens.

But in all, it's not right to lie AT ALL. Lying only gets you in harsher punishment. Speaking the truth would help a bit, but it sadly hurts. We all have to live with the pain of speaking the truth.

And with that, best of luck to you in the future. Don't ever lie again (especially cancer or a major illness).