Luma Party Well-known member Purple Star (1,000 Posts) Legacy User (Silver) Oct 26, 2014 #1 Which DLC packs do you have? I've got all of them myself.
RafalRib Well-known member Purple Star (1,000 Posts) Legacy User (Silver) Oct 26, 2014 #2 Well i dont have the game still, but when i buy it, i'm certainly gonna buy them all so 3/3
S Sashe2705 Well-known member Red Star (500 Posts) Legacy User (Silver) Oct 26, 2014 #4 Only the Mercedes-Benz one. I shall pre-order the other two soon .
Vipsoccermaster Well-known member Green Star (10,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Oct 26, 2014 #5 All of them. For $11.99, it's almost like a steal, as there's 16 DLC tracks for less than $1.00 each.
All of them. For $11.99, it's almost like a steal, as there's 16 DLC tracks for less than $1.00 each.
H-J Kaabii Well-known member Cyan Star (5,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Oct 26, 2014 #6 All of them, but I haven't touched MK8 since I got HW oops
S Snowy620 Well-known member Cyan Star (5,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Oct 26, 2014 #7 I bought all of them shortly after they went on sale.
J Justin5267 Well-known member Blue Star (2,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Oct 27, 2014 #8 I bought the bundle pack whenever it went on sale.
Yoshiman222 Well-known member PP64 Content Creator Blue Star (2,000 Posts) Legacy User (Silver) Oct 27, 2014 #9 It looks to me like everyone bought them all so far, or is planning to. That answer comes the same from me as well.
It looks to me like everyone bought them all so far, or is planning to. That answer comes the same from me as well.
S Sashe2705 Well-known member Red Star (500 Posts) Legacy User (Silver) Dec 5, 2014 #10 Got both of the DLC packs.