MQJinx Well-known member Purple Star (1,000 Posts) Legacy User (Silver) Dec 7, 2012 #1 I tend to watch Mario Kart Wii clan war videos, as well as listen to Nightcore and Trance.
M mostachedpolar Well-known member Purple Star (1,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Dec 7, 2012 #2 I usually watch Speedruns of Tomb Raider games and Blind Let's Plays, I find them more interesting to watch. The "It's Lara Croft Bitch" videos are also a favourite of mine.
I usually watch Speedruns of Tomb Raider games and Blind Let's Plays, I find them more interesting to watch. The "It's Lara Croft Bitch" videos are also a favourite of mine.
frats10 Well-known member Yellow Star (5 Posts) Legacy User (Silver) Jan 5, 2013 #3 I watch music videos like thrift shop or gangum style.
Luma Party Well-known member Purple Star (1,000 Posts) Legacy User (Silver) Jan 5, 2013 #4 Mario TV shows. That's about it.
Vipsoccermaster Well-known member Green Star (10,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Dec 16, 2013 #5 BUMP. I mainly watch thoughts and opinion videos, sometimes reviews, but mostly gameplay footage and LPs.
BUMP. I mainly watch thoughts and opinion videos, sometimes reviews, but mostly gameplay footage and LPs.
TwilaTheSun Well-known member Red Star (500 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Dec 16, 2013 #6 Wasn't there a similar topic to this or did that get lost in the recesses of time? anyways, i mostly watch corruptions and glitch vids, retsupuraes, and whatever else i feel like watching at the moment.
Wasn't there a similar topic to this or did that get lost in the recesses of time? anyways, i mostly watch corruptions and glitch vids, retsupuraes, and whatever else i feel like watching at the moment.
ttwashere Well-known member Purple Star (1,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Dec 16, 2013 #7 Not that much anymore. Mainly just Giant Bomb content. Been working my way through the phenomenal Persona 4 Endurance Run.
Not that much anymore. Mainly just Giant Bomb content. Been working my way through the phenomenal Persona 4 Endurance Run.
J Justin5267 Well-known member Blue Star (2,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Oct 7, 2014 #8 I have a few YouTube subscriptions but I usually find myself most regularly watching the Vlogbrothers videos because Hank and John are cool.
I have a few YouTube subscriptions but I usually find myself most regularly watching the Vlogbrothers videos because Hank and John are cool.