What two games would you like to see crossover?

Well, this is a thing that happens with many games now. It's always interesting to see how two different games combined can make some great stuff. Though, it's not always the case of course. The idea of this topic came to me when thinking of Pokemon Conquest, which had a lot of great things and would love to see comeback.

Now, one that I would really love to see is a crossover between Pokemon and Fire Emblem. I think it could make some really sick game and with both franchises' success in recent years, it could make a masterpiece. Well, I believe so at least. It would obviously take elements from both series, I don't know exactly how. Perhaps, taking the gameplay from Fire Emblem or the gameplay of the main Pokemon games, but set in the world of FE.

There is definitely more, so what would you love to see and why?
I don't have any ideas for a great crossover, but I really loved what Square and Disney did with the Kingdom Hearts series. Combining Final Fantasy with the Disney mythos seemed like a really weird combination at first, but when you look at both universes they have similar elements of whimsical fantasy and engaging storylines.
A Mario-Kirby crossover would make a lot of sense, especially since Kirby is finally starting to experiment with true, true 3D in the upcoming Planet Robobot. Think about it: Mario and Kirby have similar tones/locales, mean kings, an enormous variety of power-ups, a slight/huge emphasis on space, and almost everyone in both universes is so gosh-darn huggable and full of personality. Perhaps something happens in space, and King Dedede and Bowser are fighting each other and Mario, Luigi, and Kirby team up to prevent total destruction and put the pieces together. Just think of all the possibilities! That would be awesome!
I can also see Zelda cross Mario, Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus, and/or Final Fantasy. I even made a private fan note to myself of conepts for a Theaterhytm-esque Nintendo game and another for an Avengers-like story where a team led by Mario, Link, and Palutena have to stop Ganondorf, Bowser, some Space Invaders, and Sephiroth (along with a nefarious Aperture Science Mini-boss gauntlet sorta led by GLaDOS and her secret admirer King Boo) from fulfilling an evil prophecy that will destroy all of the heroes.
A F-Zero-Metroid crossover would be interesting because both of them are bounty hunters and feel like samus and captain falcon would have great chemistry. Of course the gameplay would be like Metroid and I don't know how they could implement F-Zero mechanics into the game maybe they could just make you drive the spaceship or something and just add the F-Zero physics in. captain falcon and samus would have their own moveset and abilities, and captain falcon can get his own suit that would empower his abilities and such. I don't know how they would make a story about how captain falcon would meet samus but i'm sure they will figure something out plus it would breath life back into the F-Zero series if the turns out to be a big hit.
I would love to see a Kirby-Yoshi crossover. Both of the series have elements that are similar, including eating enemies and flying (flutter jump and Kirby's whatever you call it.) In fact, I even put my photoshop skills to use and created a box art.



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A The Legend of Zelda - Kid Icarus (Uprising) crossover would be nice. It isn't impossible, seeing how they pretty much are counterparts of sorts to each other (Smash Bros. 4 touched lightly on that one). Gameplay would be battling in an open world and solving puzzles along the way; pretty much the gameplay of both. I still don't know how the movement will be, seeing as how Pit normally flies to locations while Link goes on foot, but I'll figure it out someday.
Snowy said:
guitar hero and rock band should do a crossover.

Off topic, but this brought back so many memories of trying to complete Metallica's "One" on GH3. Oh god, the blisters.