Welcome to Swangler's Night Club (ClubWorld)

Hey there members of the forum, welcome to my Night Club (blog lol), I'll make topics of various stuff and etc...

Meet my Club at Club World and see the evolution of my Night Club. I just downloaded this app on my Ipod Touch, where I'm the owner of a Night Club and I do stuff out there. Right now I'm only level 11... and I have to reach level 102, so I have a long way to go. Enjoy the pics I took from my Club, it goes from the oldest to the newest.

Pic 1: My Little Night Club...

Pic 2: Red to Blue and Black

Pic 3: Changing Door

Pic 4: It just got Bigger

Pic 5: New Dance Floor

This is how it looks right now at lv. 11

If you have this game or whatever, add me: try ''DJSpirit15'' or ''beastes911'' (I don't even know where it comes from... lol)
My blog is now re-open, so first thing I must say thanks to H-J. Now, I deleted some useless topics in my blog that I just won't use anymore. I will also update some topics such as ''Things to Buy'' and ''Hot 20 Clubbing Anthems''. Just wanted to let you know. You can also ask me any question in my ask topic. :p