Treacherous Tower

Treacherous Tower is a place located on Lorule's Death Mountain, it is where you can play a mini-game just like that one in Zelda Spirit Tracks. The objective is to survive a set number of floors with enemies that varies on the difficulty level, the price also varies.

So far, I have completed the beginner and intermediate levels and earned the heart piece. I haven't done the advanced level yet so I have no idea what the reward is, if there is one. I like it, it's pretty difficult but easier than Spirit Tracks version. What do you guys think about the Treacherous Tower?
Before doing Advanced I suggest upgrading your elemental rods (besides Sand Rod) and maxing out the Master Sword. Also you'll be doing Advanced twice as there are two rewards :p

I don't have any experience in other Zelda games to go off on, but certainly some rounds were a little frustrating with enemies surrounding you making blocking rather ineffective. Didn't use any potions stronger than red potion so... :p
The Shattered Legacy said:
Before doing Advanced I suggest upgrading your elemental rods (besides Sand Rod) and maxing out the Master Sword. Also you'll be doing Advanced twice as there are two rewards :p

I don't have any experience in other Zelda games to go off on, but certainly some rounds were a little frustrating with enemies surrounding you making blocking rather ineffective. Didn't use any potions stronger than red potion so... :p

Ah thank you for the advice. I already had the Nice Fire Rod before I went into the Ice Ruins and I recently upgraded my Tornado Rod so I need to upgrade just the Ice Rod. I'll have to go Maiamai searching and figure out how to upgrade the Master Sword the second time before challenging the Treacherous Tower on advanced.

Two rewards huh? I hope I can beat it twice. It's cool how you didn't use anything stronger than a red potion.