cookieboy17 said:
And Tova to be honest you gotta stop talking about masturbate in every single post. I mean you kinda overdo it and you've only been overdoing it since the OMB and MPF. Before that you posted more like a normal human and I think we'd rather have the human back right now. I love your jokes sometimes but seeing it in like every topic kinda ruins it a bit and is getting on some other people's nerves and kinda rightfully so.
I was a different child then, before I went through the horrors of Middle School. People were picking on me, and I had to adapt by saying weird things. When I said weird things, it's just...people still made fun of me, but at least it wasn't physical violence anymore, they were too freaked out to lay a finger on me. I became depressed when school started in 2008 and started feeling alone (I actually considered suicide for a long period of time) before my friend taught me about the fapping in March of 2009. Fapping filled in a massive hole I had in my life. I was always afraid of dying a virgin alone, but fapping was like a lid that covered this hole, and it eventually launched me out of depression. Then came the Smuckers, which I found in May. Things would never be the same again. Throughout the summer of 2009 I had developed instincts to be dirty to make sure I was never physically bullied again. My pervertedness now continues growing steadily, and I doubt that it will end until I go through puberty fully
Also, this post is not a joke, this is an actual recollection of my memories, please be serious if you're going to respond