Staryu's Mario Party Journal

Mario Party 3 - Deep Bloober Sea
Me: Peach
Opponents: Daisy/Yoshi/Wario
CPU Difficulty: Hard
Turns: 20
Mini-Games: All
Bonuses: On

-Yoshi and Daisy were assholes, they kept stealing coins from me when I just won a Mini-Game, so I had like 0 for a while. Daisy even used a Reverse Mushroom to go back to steal from me, lol. -_-

-This game, not a lot of people were going for stars. Yoshi went to the Skeleton Gate instead of going right to the star, Daisy decided to go the upper route instead of taking it down to the str, and Wario was just lost the whole game; just going random directions. I myself didn't try to get star, even though I could of.

-I won both Battle Mini-Games. First one was Storm Chasers (Everyone gave 20 coins$ and then the other one was Locked Out (Everyone gave 30 coins) Locked Out helped me get a extra star around the 12th turn.

-Since I wanted to strategize, I just stayed on the upper part of the board near the Blowfish to land on Happening as much as I could. Total was 3, and I landed on the Happening with the Blooper like once.

-I saved a Magic Lamp/Boo Bell the whole game so I could strategize at the end, my plan was first steal a star from someone (Yoshi) and then on the final turn, use my Magic Lamp to get the star. This was so no one could steal from me before hand.

-I got a Bowser Phone and used it on Wario, it backfired when I got screwed since it was a Bowser Curse (everyone was poisoned, so I rolled 1-3) and landed on Game Guy... Lmao. I, luckily, won though, cuz it was Sweet Surprise. I made sure to bet on the Giant Chomp and got my coins doubled.

Mini-Game Star: Peach (172)
Coin Star: Peach (150)
Happening Star: Peach and Yoshi (4)

Peach (1st)
Stars: 6
Coins: 147

Yoshi (2nd)
Stars: 1
Coins: 74

Daisy (3rd)
Stars: 1
Coins: 61

Wario (4th)
Stars: 0
Coins: 114

Detailed Results
Stars: 6 - 1 - 1 - 0
Coins: 147 - 61 - 74 - 114
Greatest Coins: 150 - 70 - 85 - 69
Mini-Game Coins: 172 - 75 - 74 - 115
Blue: 9 - 16 - 7 - 10
Red: 1 - 0 - 2 - 3
Happening: 4 - 1 - 4 - 2
Chance Time: 0 - 0 - 0 - 0
Bowser: 0 - 1 - 0 - 1
Battle: 1 - 0 - 0 - 1
Item: 4 - 2 - 6 - 2
Bank: 0 - 0 - 1 - 1
Game Guy: 1 - 0 - 0 - 0
Mario Party 8 - Shy Guy's Perlex Express

Peach & Daisy (Damsels in Success)
Luigi & Waluigi (Lean 'n' Mean)

I'm playing as Peach and the CPUs are Daisy, Luigi, and Waluigi.
Me & my Partner: Peach and Daisy
Opponent's Team: Luigi and Waluigi
Type: Team Battle
CPU Difficulty: Hard
Turns: 20
Mini-Games: All
Bonuses: On

-Daisy was very helpful (buying the right candy, etc), I was actually impressed. She wasn't acting like a hoe like she did before on Koopa's Tycoon Yown.

-My opponents were a little dense this time around; constantly buying Bowlo Candy, purposely losing mini-games, wasting candy, etc.

-No one landed on Lucky Space. I tried landing on it but Daisy kept using my Slowgos.

-There was no real strategy for me this time; Me and Daisy just kept buying candy and using them at the right times. We bought a lot of Bitsize and Thrice Candy.

-Luigi kept using Bowlo's on me, so I made sure to save a Thwomp Candy and use on him.

Mini-Game Star: Damsels in Success (241)
Candy Star: Damsels in Success (24)
Happening Star: Lean 'n' Mean (12)

Damsels in Success (Peach & Daisy) (1st)
Stars: 9
Coins: 57

Lean 'n' Mean (Luigi & Waluigi) (2nd)
Stars: 5
Coins: 106

Detailed Results
Damsels in Success/Lean 'n' Mean
Stars: 9 - 5
Coins: 56 - 106
Mini-Game Coins: 241 - 117
Shopping: 170 - 45
Candy: 24 - 15
Running: 308 - 218
Blue: 23 - 16
Red: 7 - 10
Happening: 8 - 12
Lucky: 0 - 0
DK: 1 - 1
Bowser: 1 - 1
Mario Party 8 - KingBoo's Haunted Hideaway

Wario and Toadette (Double Agents)
Boo and Hammer Bro. (Bad Vibes)

I'm playing as Wario and the CPUs are Toadette, Boo, and Hammer Bro.
Me & my Partner: Wario and Toadette
Opponent's Team: Boo and Hammer Bro.
Type: Team Battle
CPU Difficulty: Hard
Turns: 20
Mini-Games: All
Bonuses: On
-This was a VERY close game. Check in the Detailed Results for yourself. We BARELY got the Red Star and they barely got the Candy Star.

-The first part of the game, me and Toadette were sucking ass. Only around turn 11 did things change.

-It was really f'd up with Candy; we kept getting Springo and crap when we were in LAST. They kept getting Thrices though. :/

-Me and Toadette had 3 stars; on the last turn, Boo landed on Happening and tied it up by having Mowz steal a star from us... So then it was tied 2 - 2. Until Hammer Bro. got the star before finally finishing his turn, so yeah, like I said, "We barely won".
Candy Star: Bad Vibes (10)
Shopping Star: Double Agents (95)
Red Star: Double Agents (6)
Double Agents (Wario and Toadette) (1st)
Stars: 4
Coins: 75

Bad Vibes (Boo and Hammer Bro.) (2nd)
Stars: 4
Coins: 36
Detailed Results
Double Agents/Bad Vibes
Stars: 4 - 4
Coins: 75 - 36
Mini-Game Coins: 265 - 113
Shopping: 95 - 70
Candy: 9 - 10
Running: 209 - 198
Blue: 28 - 29
Red: 6 - 5
Happening: 5 - 5
Lucky: 1 - 0
DK: 0 - 1
Bowser: 0 - 0
Yoshi8984 said:
Princess Zelda said:
This seems famillair... I remember someone making something exactly like this a loooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago. Anyway I can't wait to see what happens during your Mario Party journey. :p
I think it was either Cook or Polar. Or both :p
No I think it was Yoshi1 because it was somewhere in 2009. Anyway nice matches you had there.
Mario Party 8 - Koopa's Tycoon Town

Dry Bones

I'm playing as Blooper and the CPUs are Yoshi, Birdo, and Dry Bones.
Type: Battle Royal
CPU Difficulty: Hard
Turns: 20
Mini-Games: All
Bonuses: On
-I got a low (but highest) mini-game score of 172. This is probably one of the lowest I gotten.

-I was a greedy whore, I kept stealing hotels. Like in the end, Birdo would of had 3rd if I didn't steal her 3-Star Hotel.

-Ever since like... Turn 6, I didn't leave first place once. Nope, even when someone stole my hotel, I was still in first.

-At the end, I saved up some Thrices and Vampire Candy to get ahead more. I used the Thrices in attempt to get the Running Star (didn't work though, haha) and to collect the bonus coins at the Last 5 Turns. I saved some Vampire as well to steal coins from everyone.

-At the last turn, after stealing Birdo's hotel, I had 4 coins left. Then I landed on Happening and got an extra 30 coins, on top of winning the mini-game. :p
Minigame Star: Blooper (172)
Running Star: Yoshi (177)
Shopping Star: Blooper (70)
Blooper (1st)
Stars: 14
Coins: 44

Yoshi (2nd)
Stars: 7
Coins: 5

Dry Bones (3rd)
Stars: 3
Coins: 3

Birdo (4th)
Stars: 0
Coins: 10
Detailed Results
Blooper/Birdo/Yoshi/Dry Bones
Stars: 14 - 0 - 7 - 3
Coins: 44 - 10 - 5 - 3
Mini-Game Coins: 172 - 79 - 115 - 52
Shopping: 70 - 5 - 45 - 15
Candy: 8 - 4 - 10 - 6
Running: 149 - 114 - 177 - 135
Blue: 15 - 13 - 13 - 12
Red: 2 - 3 - 4 - 2
Happening: 1 - 0 - 3 - 4
Lucky: 2 - 3 - 0 - 1
DK: 0 - 0 - 0 - 1
Bowser: 0 - 1 - 0 - 0