Spiral Mountain

Did you guys know that if you went to Banjo's House you can look up at the Bottles picture and you would enter a jigsaw puzzle game that is just like the one you play when opening a new world in Banjo Tooie?

And this was just the tutorial level. I remember I used to like going up the spiral because the Grunty music would start playing as you went up. :p And I like the Tooie version of this place better.
SuperZambezi said:
Did you guys know that if you went to Banjo's House you can look up at the Bottles picture and you would enter a jigsaw puzzle game that is just like the one you play when opening a new world in Banjo Tooie?

And this was just the tutorial level. I remember I used to like going up the spiral because the Grunty music would start playing as you went up. :p And I like the Tooie version of this place better.
I knew about the Bottles picture and the jigsaw puzzle. They were easy, the fourth puzzle gave me a lot of trouble the first time through.

That Grunty music didn't start as you went up, it started as you stepped on the bridge. :p

And yeah, I prefer the Tooie version, since there are more goodies everywhere. And I liked its soundtrack.
Bottles' jigsaw puzzle wasn't that exciting seeing how I just discovered it after beating Grunty. =P

And this place...is a tutorial level.