So, Any Questions?

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Yeah, you guys can ask me anything here, except for my real name.  The only rule to this is to not ask my real first name.  That will not work and I will not answer you.  >:D
I'm disabling asks on Tumblr, so yeah.

Ask me whatever, and you'll see what answer I will give you.  c:
Vipsoccermaster said:
What do you like about Twila?

I love her because she represents the night of Mario Party 6.  She's more sophisticated and sweet than her counterpart.  I really like her a lot.  c:  It's always nice to see female hosts.  In the Japanese videos of Mario Party 6, she has an adorable voice.  X3

chaosshadow123 said:
Why'd you change to bananaBangs?

It was a name that I thought up for a long time.  I see that people are not liking the name too much.  That's fine, because I'm probably changing it soon.  lol
Aegis said:
What is your first name? :)

That's classified.  Very funny, Aegis.

31GHT B1T S3RVANT said:
Might as well ask this, even though it's totally not Tumblr/dA here lol

Sum up your opinion of Ranay/Caroline/crazy girl who cockblocks and blocks other ppl for having an opinion different to hers in 100 words. XP

Likewise, you can ask annnyyyyyttttthhhhiiiiinnnnggggg here, onsite or offsite.  :B

Ranay is not the brightest star in the galaxy; she is not the smartest cookie in the bunch, and she is not the nicest sunflower in the field.

It wasn't really smart of her spamming KarkatsCancer's profile of death threats fourty-four times.  Especially when (take note that KarkatsCancer is also Scarhead, except for it's a side account.) Ranay blocked my friend's MAIN account.  When Davis tried to give a critique/advice to Ranay, she was instantly blocked by Ranay on dA.  No worries, She hid those spammy comments and blocked her Carol-das-estrelas.  I thought she would left dA when she deactivated her ranay and Ranay-MM3 accounts.  Ranay has a tumblr, what a surprise that is.  Ranay Tumblr

Aside from this drama, her general stuff is boring.  Her stories and grammar are atrocious; and her artwork needs serious improvement.  The way she does anatomy makes it strange to me.  She could use a little more spice in her gallery, but if I tried to giver her advice, I would probably be in the same hole as my friend was - Blocked.  Maybe she can TRY to make her own backgrounds instead of getting it off of Google.  Maybe she can do, well I don't know, more research?  Her crossovers are not really appropriate.  Her videos are not really fun to watch.  She needs to either use google translator correctly, attempt to spellcheck her mistakes before posting it, or don't try at all.

The way she portrays Topman...  is ugh.  It's like he's a doormat to her so called character, Ranay.  All of the other robot masters does the same way - door mat for HER.  She treats Megaman like he is a bad guy/crap while she treats Roll like a princess?  What?  Megaman has a reason why he destroys the masters - to get them out of Dr. Wily's control.  So what if he destroys her precious Topman - Topman isn't dead, just repaired and back to good.  Her Ranay character is a Mary-Sue, nothing more or less.

Her attitude is not right, either.  As I said before, if anyone tries to giver her an honest view about her or gives her a critique - BLOCKED.  She is two months older than me, and I don't act the same way as her.  We're both eighteen years old.  If someone gives me a critique, I might get a little shocked, but I won't block them for it.  Same with opinions about me.  [Baha, I have a witness.  c:]  Kind of stupid blocking people for their opinions, don't you think?  When she sees a pro-Megaman stamp, she flips her shit and states that Megaman is a 'death eater'.  People try to tell her otherwise, but she never listens.  She bases things off of the TV Cartoon Megaman and not the actual canon.  TV shows are usually non-canon.  Games and other things are.

TL;DR - Ranay is not mature 90% of the time.  She needs to act her age and move on from the past.  It's not our fault that she got herself in this way.  If she took critique and listened to others instead of being arrogant, she would fare far better than she is now.  She needs to learn that not everyone will agree with anything she does.  If she doesn't get her stuff straight, she's doomed.  I never really met her personally, and I'm glad that I didn't.  I was going to do a commentary on this person, but I'll wait to see what happens.  Bonus points if she sees this and she flips her shit on my dA profile.  c:  We'll see what happens.  :b

I usually do go a little long when it comes to opinions of other people.  Heh.
31GHT B1T S3RVANT said:
I don't think blogs are publicly viewable BUT IT'D BE HILARIOUS if she did see lol

I never really got a good understanding of JigglyPuffGirl (JPG), could you tell me more about ?her (assuming female :B)?
I think if there's "Girl" at the end of a username it's a pretty good indicator they have a symbol of Venus.
But YEAH, anyways, your thoughts on survival horror games?
31GHT B1T S3RVANT said:
I don't think blogs are publicly viewable BUT IT'D BE HILARIOUS if she did see lol

I never really got a good understanding of JigglyPuffGirl (JPG), could you tell me more about ?her (assuming female :B)?

Uh, yes it would be.  I would be dying of laughter for a reaction if she every saw that post of mine.

Anyways, to your question.


I don't really know her too much.  Yes, she is a female.  She is both older than me and my sister (My sister was born in 1989, but she was born on December 13).  Scarier thought is that I was born one day before her (Her birthday is on October 21 while my birthday is on October 20 - This makes us both Libras..  or Libra-Scorpio Cusp, but lets not go there).  Another thing is that we live in the area of the United States.  She's been onto dA a lot longer than I have, as her account is older than mine (About a year and a few months.  Her account existed in February 2006, while mine was in May 2007.  To be honest, I didn't become so active on dA until June 7, 2010.  She uses GIMP and MS Paint for her artworks most of the time.

Her art style looks the same to me - from then until now.  As if she barely improved, it's the same thing over and over.  She usually posts bios, stamps, and pictures.  I think she needs to change art style and be more varied in her works.  Her gallery is pretty boring.  Her stamps makes me go 'Hmm'.  Granted, there are some of the stamps she makes I can't help but agree.  However, she made a support stamp of her.  :/  Making a support stamp of you by you seems a little egotistical.  Granted again, I have a support stamp, but I didn't make it.  Stamp was made by my best friend on here, dA, and Skype.  c:


Some of the character stamps - again, a little egotistical.  Some of the stamps aren't even in correct stamp size, which is annoying.  I don't like big stamps.

Moving away from stamps - her photos are 'meh'.  It's pretty much random and usually low quality.

Her artwork, outside of style, is pretty stale.  The characters are pretty much motionless in her artwork.  It's either standing, doing nothing and staring at you, or something else.  Whenever she tries to do a fighting scene, the character doesn't have much motion and is pretty action less.  She sometimes uses Dodge/Burn Tool (which is okay, but the way she uses it - She is doing it wrong.  Granted, I did this before, but I stopped).  Some of her images she has have boring photoshop backgrounds, just made with only one filter.  She has a few colored pencil artwork, but it's nothing special.  It's like me when I colored at age thirteen.

I don't know about her attitude, honestly.  I've heard that she never bothers listen to those who is younger than her.  I checked out her profile and she doesn't really respond to her comments a lot.  (I've done that, granted, back in January 2012.  That was because I was pretty blue back then.  Then February came around, and things grew better when my friend and I discussed things.)  Who knows, though?

She has an older sister.  She sounds a lot more assertive than JPG and more outspoken.  Unlike JPG, she actually has a husband in her life.  Her account is The-Nocturnal-Moth.  Used to live with her sister, but moved out with her husband.  Relationship between her and JPG is pretty damn close.  Her artwork is almost alike, but a little better.  Her attitude states otherwise sometimes.  For example, she got to her achievement on World of Warcraft, so she decided to take a screenshot.  However, the comments are different from what she excepted.  Link to World of Warcraft image.  Granted, a user tried to warn her about screenshots and possible ban offense for them.  However, she failed to listen and she started to flip her shit towards others.  Then she states that the user and her helpers are gone and done nothing but trouble.  M-o-b tried to hand out advice and same with the other users.  Not to mention she made a journal about the issue.  When I read the journal, I can somewhat see why she acted that way.  I wouldn't like it if my sister bullied me to take down a screenshot, either.  Then again, it was still pretty immature to call those out.

TL;DR - I never really met her, but I heard pretty bad things about her.  Aside from that, her artwork could use a change, in my humble opinion.  That kind of goes both for her older sister + her attitude. If anything, if anything goes bad, I don't want people to say, "Wacky?  Oh, she's just like JPG."  <- That will set me off.  >:/
[Honestly, this is more of a question for "someone else" because that someone knows that person way more than I do.  Then again, I don't think she would not like to talk about, so I don't know.]

Scarhead said:
I think if there's "Girl" at the end of a username it's a pretty good indicator they have a symbol of Venus.
But YEAH, anyways, your thoughts on survival horror games?


Survival Horror Games?  You are gonna kill me for this, but I never played games like those before.  I guess I'm Neutral/Careless.  Whenever I get the chance, I will try to sneak on my brother's Xbox and try to play some of his games. . . if I can.  Baha.  *shot*

Keep up with the questions, guys!  I appreciate it!  c:
31GHT B1T S3RVANT said:
what character alignment would you bundle yourself in?

(as in Lawful Good, Neutral Evil sort of thing)

sorry for making you write so much ^^;

Haha, you're fine.  I don't mind typing out long answers anyways.  XD

Character alignment?  Hmm... 

According to some test, I got Lawful Good.  |D

A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. She combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. She tells the truth, keeps her word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished. Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion.

Note that I'm still oblivious to this whole character alignment thing still.  :U
Yoshi8984 said:
What inspired you to be an artist and what do you particularly like to draw?

What are some of your favorite video game soundtracks? (From any game)

Also what's your first name? :p

1.  I guess DeviantART.  I loved how people did all of those cool artworks on there and I wanted to do the same.  8D

2.  I'm not for sure, I have a lot of tracks that I like.  I love MP6 Soundtrack a lot along with MP3, DKC series, and many more that I'm too lazy to post.  c:

3.  Lol.  XD
Wackii said:
31GHT B1T S3RVANT said:
what character alignment would you bundle yourself in?

(as in Lawful Good, Neutral Evil sort of thing)

sorry for making you write so much ^^;

Haha, you're fine.  I don't mind typing out long answers anyways.  XD

Character alignment?  Hmm... 

According to some test, I got Lawful Good.  |D

A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. She combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. She tells the truth, keeps her word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished. Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion.

Note that I'm still oblivious to this whole character alignment thing still.  :U

Lawful Good? My my O: I got Neutral Good myself


What is your current otp if not BriTwi?
31GHT B1T S3RVANT said:
Lawful Good? My my O: I got Neutral Good myself


What is your current otp if not BriTwi?

That's what I got.  :U

OTP?  I don't really have one at the moment.. not anymore baw  but I do have a few pairing ideas that comes to mind currently.  :)
I haven't done much pairing artwork and I don't do it as much as I used to.  I guess loss of motivation or no ideas of what to do with them.  :U  I just do whatever comes into mind.  :>
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