Plum is missing Part 3


  After a while I called over my friend Kendra. I didn't want to be alone with Asian guy. She lives down the road from me so it didn't take her long to get there. I opened the door and she shouted "BIG ASS TITTIES b****!" and me and Asian Guy just starred at her. She looked at me and was all apologetic. I invited her in and we watched Asian Guy play my Wii. He sucked really bad and swung the nun chuck from his hand at whacked himself in the groin. I laughed but just to be mean. after about an hour the power shut off. I tried turning on the breaker from inside the house but it didn't work. I had to go outside to flip the switch. Asian Guy and Kendra went with me. It was pitch black and we all had a flashlight. I flipped the breaker and the lights in the house came back on. We were on our way back in when we heard Asian Guy scream. Me and Kendra turned around and to our horror something had grabbed Asian Guys ankle and pulled him into the woods. Me and Kendra freaked out and tried to run back into the house but we were tripped by something and drug into the woods to. When we fell we dropped our flashlights so we couldn't see a thing and all we heard was each other screaming. We finally stopped and were pushed into this area with a fire. We looked all around and saw that whatever or whoever had stripped down Asian Guy and tied him to a tree. We were scarred out of our minds and me and Kendra tried to run but were grabbed by these guys wearing black and thrown back into the place with the fire. I might lose manly points but I started to cry. I thought we were going to be murdered...

Stay tuned for part 4 when you will learn the answers to this NON FUNNY situation. >:^(