I woke up and I got sick(I still am)I had trouble working this day and got sent to a doctor he said I just need some medicine and rest so I took a long nap and had to take some medicine!
I was still sick and I could'nt do much I went to church at afternoon but fell asleep the whole time then mother bought some medicine and went home after that I went to sleep early since I was tired.
Woke up at 8:00 AM played Wii Party by myself and had some fries for breakfast went to Church at 3:00 PM (Thank God I didn't fall asleep) and went to some mountain and bought some fruit for some reason and stayed home all night.
It was Halloween but I didn't care all I did was stay in my house all day and baredy did anything I had some eggs for breakfast and a taco for lunch after a while my Father left to work and my Sister went somewhere else after a while my Father bought some Pizza and had that for dinner looged in again after a while and didn't do much!