My biggest wish!

If I could have one wish, any wish at all, I would wish for one thing... a big brother. When I was growing up I had a big sister and I love her to death, but I never had someone to play sports with me, to stick up for me, to teach me about "boy things". I lived with only my mom and my sister so I had 0% male interaction growing up. It was always my wish to have a big brother. Now that I am a big brother I find it hard to be brotherly with my brother. I just don't know what a big brother would act like, but I think I am still one heck of a good big bro. I have a very hard time trusting men now that I am older. When I was growing up I had no possitive male role models. Any man that came into my life just messed things up. Like my mom married a man just to find out he was secretly a druggy and drunk, my sister dated an alright guy for a bit, till he became a stocker. So I have had no possitive male rolemodels in my life.

This is probably why I'm so messed up. -_-