A plan for a spoof on Mega Man. To be played a la 8-bit era.

Development hasn't gone anywhere since 2012 but WHATEVER I wanna try again


Dr SZ Numbers:
SZN-009 Snowy Man - master weapon Ice Furry (IF)
SZN-010 Kinetic Woman - master weapon Kinetic Dash (KD)
SZN-011 Hunt Man - master weapon Heavy Barrel (HB)
SZN-012 Spectre Man - master weapon Boo Tracer (BT)
SZN-013 Kyle Man - master weapon Nova Portal (NP)
SZN-014 Berry Woman - master weapon Fate Arrow (FA)
SZN-015 Billy Man - master weapon Guy Brigade (GB)
SZN-016 Matt Man - master weapon Alternative Hail (AH)


Lord Joey Numbers:
LJN-001 VIP Man - master weapon VIP Striker (VS)
LJN-002 Cook Man - master weapon Cookie Trio (CT)
LJN-003 Ryou Man - master weapon Joker Flush (JF)
LJN-004 Aegis Woman - master weapon Ragnarok Magnum (RM)
LJN-005 Staryu Man - master weapon Eros Glaive (EG)
LJN-006 Ether Man - master weapon Ovation Ink (OI)
LJN-007 HJ Man - master weapon Scholastic Dome (SD)
LJN-008 TT Man - master weapon Temporal Warp (TW)

Other important characters:
LJN-017 Uriel / MLYW Man
SZN-018 Daisy
LJN-000 Prongs Man

IDK if I want these dudes or not:
Ginta Man (weapon is the Lake Toya [GI]. Cuts chu.)
Sora Man (weapon is the Strike Raid [SO]. Go down, you heartless fool!)
Ryu Man (weapon is the Street Fighter [RY]. HADOUKEN! SHORYUKEN! TATSUMAKI SENPUU KYAKU!)
Luffy Man (weapon is the Gomu Gomu no Pistol [LU]. GOMU GOMU NO..... HISSATSU!)

Stuff for my later workings...
Uriel Killer Numbers: Espeon, Zig, Snoopy, Limbo

I'm gonna revise stuff here...

No info for you re weakness loops. :p Go read the topic or something.
^ I was thinking of having a double game length, but yeah, basically MM3 styled. (no Mega Buster but yes slide) Good suggestions, might think of story stuff laters.

Daisy as Roll would be kawaii~ ^_^

NB. I'm using Roll, Wily and Light as loose filler terms. It's pretty obvious that I'n going to call characters Dr Joey and stuff. :p
Kinetic Dash vs. Ice Furry. How does dashing smash ice? :p
Ice Furry vs. Guy Brigade. Logical enough.
Guy Brigade vs. Nova Portal. Ah, sheer numbers win outright. :p
Nova Portal vs. Boo Tracer. Could work. :p
Boo Tracer vs. Final Arrow (gotta change it to Fate Arrow :p). Logical in terms of forum.
Fate Arrow vs. Verse Ink. ...what?
Verse Ink vs. Heavy Barrel. Can't see the logic here. :p
Heavy Barrel vs. Kinetic Dash. Wouldn't the dash break the barrel? :p
Kinetic Dash v Ice Furry: Going fast in rockets can cause fire, which melts ice.
Ice Furry v Guy Brigade: It's a bit obvious.
Guy Brigade v Nova Portal: Needed Billy to beat someone.
Nova Portal v Boo Tracer: The Portal sucks in the Boos a la the Poltergust.
Boo Tracer v Fate Arrow: In TLOB, KB'd kidnap Berry.
Fate Arrow v Verse Ink: Couldn't find anyone else.
Verse Ink v Heavy Barrel: " " " "
Heavy Barrel v Kinetic Dash: It's called Heavy Barrel for a reason. :p
I'm not sure I want to completely emulate MM3's Dokurobotto stage repeats, but I'll consider it.

ATM I need palette ideas and sprite ideas for MLYW and any Robot Master you can work on. Music is easy - I'll grab existing NSF files from MM1 thru 6. If someone can link me up to MM9-10 stuff, great. :D