May 12th ~ 2013
Mother's Day
Did almost nothing for the day, though I had no time to do anything that I needed to do this day as well anyways... my mom a present, signed the card I had already bought for her, and set-up the dinner table for a meal as a little something for all the hard work she does around here.May 13th ~ 2013
Lots of... stupid thing happened to me today.
Just learned I forgot something I really wanted that I'll have to wait until the weekend to get back, and having not been told many important things that would have made my life a whole lot easier for the day (which included that my mom randomly got a job when I needed her for something, and the fact that we had peanut-butter cookies for some reason... and was told after taking a bite of one...)May 14th ~ 2013
Felt tired and had a sore throat for the whole day.
Better now, as I should be, though.
stupid cookie... good thing I didn't really get a rash, although I felt like I may have had one...
...otherwise, did what I normally do on this day. Oh, except for the fact that I also voted in the provincial elections for the first time.