July 1 - Moves

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Team Aegis have forfeited, abandoning their castle. Their spaces now revert to neutral spaces.
As a result, any team who claims their castle will receive the abandoned items of the once mighty band of shieldbearers.
...fortunately, Team Aegis left their 55 coins at the castle as well...

Royal Peaches
kinetic - forfeits move. Still at Luigi's Mansion.
Sushi and Ryoux:
Great Bay Coast - You are walking down the coast when you see a young lost Zora. You agree to help him find his way home. You continue on when he realizes he knows where he is. He offers a ride to Zoras Domain. Do you accept?

Killer Koopas
Chubchub, SolidSnake, Sir Mario:
Fairy Fountain - You stumbled upon a secret Fairy Fountain location! The Great Fairy increases both your maximum HP and FP by 5! (NB only applies to these team members)

Hylian Knights
Forfeits turn. Make your move in July 4 - Moves.
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