Is it wrong for me to be unhappy with the gender i was born with?

And no, i'm not joking.
There have been a LOT of times where i've questioned and often resented my biological gender and have considered transitioning to male. My family tells me that i should "embrace my feminine side" but all i see is an empty space and a body that i feel says the exact opposite of who i am. I feel that somewhere along the line there was a mix up and now i'm stuck with a gender i don't feel happy or comfortable with.

I know it sounds kinda melodramatic, but still. I just want to be a dude and not be judged for it. Is that so bad to ask of people?

Aside from that, not much has been happening. I've taken a renewed interest in writing, but that's about it. Oh yes, and i'm going on christmas vacation next december to virginia and visiting my grandparents.
No, I don't know anyone personally who's wanted to change their gender but I find it completely natural if you don't feel right in the body you are in. If you want to act like a dude, so be it. If you want to dress like a dude, go ahead. If you want to be a dude, who cares? It's your body and you can be whatever the hell you want. If someone tells you act more like a lady when you're not comfortable being one, you can tell them to suck it.
Real talk it's your body and how you feel about it, if you want to change it then go ahead. No one should you tell what you should or should not do with your body like its stupid that people can be so judgemental. I will admit I'm okay with being a gay male and I don't want to be a woman but anyways, no condemnatory from me. ;)
I have felt this way ever since I was a little kid. As long as you express this view to people who find you very comfortable with who you are (like my Kinetic-kun does) I say it's not wrong. In fact I think it gives you more incentive to actually do the things you want if you were of the opposite sex.
Ha hah hah hah hah...

Yes. I really don't like the fact I was born male... And therefore I feel it is a great obstacle in my life in actually being happy with myself.

Just like my dear Aegis, I have felt this way since I was a child... I cross-dressed a lot as well... I feel more comfortable in women's clothing.

I always envision my life being better if I was female.
