Hyper Focus! Something good from A.D.D.

I have A.D.D. (attention deficit disorder) and along with bad hand writing and lack of focus come HYPER FOCUSING! When something sparks my intrest I go into hyper focus mode. Hyper focusing is where you are stuck on one subject and want to know AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE about the subject. Hyper focusing can last (for me) an hour up to three or four days. Hyper focusing isn't by any means a bad thing, in fact I find it to be something cool. I have learned things from hyper focusing. These things are things that I would normally never care about, but since I was sparked by a video game character, show, book, and so on, I went into hyper focus and learned things I didn't know and that I found interesting. Let me give you an example...


You all know who this lovely lady is right? Yes, this is the succubus Morrigan from Darkstalkers and many Capcom fighters. Before she sparked my intrest in what a succubus really was I thought she was just a type of vampire, but I was way off. What I learned from when she sparked my intrest in succubi is that they are far from vampires, in fact they aren't even related to vampires. A succubus is a creature (always a woman) who appear in mens sleep. They usually have intercourse with the man, the man either dies or gets harmed by this encounter. They crave lust and sex. The succubi give the sperm they have collected from their victims and gives it to the Incubus, which is a male and he then attacks a woman in her sleep and impregnates her, so that she can give birth to a new demon succubi or incubus. They were folklore back in olden times, many MANY people were scared of them, as they were back then with mythical creatures like witches, fairies, and others. Unlike real succubi Morrigan only craves lust to survive, not needing sex.

Thanks to my hyper focusing I learned that cool little bit of history and myth. Now if only it worked at school...
Dark Boo said:
LOL I was bout to say "Does that work in school?" LOL
Your hand writing isn't legible? (Usually I'll rant b/c I can't stand sloppiness)
Does ADD affect your communication skills?
My hand writing is legible just BAD. In my case yes it does affect my communication skills. My case of ADD makes me kinda out of the limelight and I would rather not have attention on me. I can still talk fine to people and have a big colorful vocabulary, but if I am comfortable with the person i have no problem talking to them. I am no pushover either I will stand up for myself, I just don't talk much and am now known for being silent.
If you're hyper focusing, don't you have ADHD? I could be wrong and instead you just have a strong enthusiasm in that stuff.

Back in elementary school 4-8th grade, I was diagnosed with ADD because of my complete failure in school. It was only in my personality. Being an ass, hating my teachers, loved being the center of attention, and refusing to do homework of any form. They came to that thought eventually. Also, I thought most of the work of that level was complete common sense (you can still think that) and participating in that work made me feel like I was part of a group of retards. I regret taking advantage of the being stupid trick.

This is also a category where I argue a lot of psychology in general. People have the tendency to think they have things because it makes them feel better (most will deny it until they pass that phase, aka the blind factor) like people with a small case of "hypochondria". Examples being like, of I must have that disease, and the signs show! I must immediately jump to conclusions and finally have my explanation! You never really know stuff about psychology which is why I don't mind it being called a pseudoscience. People can just fake it, assume it and believe it, or actually have it.

Just giving out what I think. I completely disassociate with those events in middle school, it was very dumb of me to do that. My personality during those times barely is anything like me now and you can obviously see in my posts over the years of the enthusiasm I had completely die. I'm a junior now and you can see that my posts as a freshman in late 2009 as I-want-to-hurt-myself but progressively turning different until the point where I parted from what had happened in middle school. I think some of the veteran MPL people finally have it explained right here on what happened.

Anyways, the irony in this post makes in seems like "hyper-focusing", but no, it's just my enthusiasm in psychology. Sidetracked from what the topic was. :p
And now I quit talking.
Spectre said:
If you're hyper focusing, don't you have ADHD? I could be wrong and instead you just have a strong enthusiasm in that stuff.

Back in elementary school 4-8th grade, I was diagnosed with ADD because of my complete failure in school. It was only in my personality. Being an ass, hating my teachers, loved being the center of attention, and refusing to do homework of any form. They came to that thought eventually. Also, I thought most of the work of that level was complete common sense (you can still think that) and participating in that work made me feel like I was part of a group of retards. I regret taking advantage of the being stupid trick.

I am the exact opposite, I DO have ADD NOT ADHD, I am not hyper in the slightest, I HATE being the center of attention, I may not do homework, but people know I am smart with no doubt in their mind, and I only have attention problems. Like paying attention in class and what not. I do have a slight enthusiasm in things like mystical creatures, but I still hyper focus and spend hours on end researching things even if I would normally have no intreast in the subject.
