Oh my gosh! I LOVE those movies (yeah, movies with an"s"). You got four (five?) guys busting ghosts, taking on the world, blowing things up, and stopping King-Kong-sized marshmallow men; and that's their Tuesday! How can you not like that? On the technical side, you've got all these special effects...in a comedy, which is awesome and revolutionary. My only gripe is the surprisingly high amount of "adult" content which is sad because kids of all ages should be allowed to enjoy this laugh/suspense-filled frenzy of a franchise and they do.
Trivia: The AFA named Ghostbusters the #25 funniest film of all time, that's how good it is. I also have a Ghostbusters T-shirt, a picture with The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, a deluxe DVD set with a booklet, the game's on my wishlist, and the soundtrack is one of the best I've ever heard from a film, ever. These films are in me, they're there.