First Movie You Ever Saw.

This tough one, but i will have to go with the very first Freddy Kruger (A Nightmare On Elm Street). When my brother first show me this movie, i literally could not sleep for about 1 week and fact that he comes in dreams made it worst. So what was your first movie you ever saw and did it affect you in any way?

I have no idea. If I had to guess it was probably an old Disney movie. I was exposed to a lot of that when I was younger.
Starlit Midnight said:

I have no idea. If I had to guess it was probably an old Disney movie. I was exposed to a lot of that when I was younger.
Yeah same here. If I had to take a wild guess since I cannot exactly remember which movie was my first, a Disney movie would be a good guess... I guess. Something like The Lion King, Beauty & The Beast, Toy Story or even The Little Mermaid.

Though, I remember Titanic and Gladiator being some of the first live-action movies I ever saw.

I thought I had already answered in this topic lol.