Final Fantasy I


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Cyan Star (5,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold)
Discuss the very first installment here.

I have the original NES version, plus the remake on the Final Fantasy II SNES remake pack. Since I got this when RPGs was already quite common, I got the gist of the game pretty fast. I always had trouble with the Kraken boss because he had very good powerful attacks that could sweep you away with in a flash.

The only file I have saved on contains the following characters: Black Mage, Fighter, Thief, and White Mage. (Their names are Fgt, Stu, Gary, and Aegis :p)
I haven't played the original on the SNES, but I have played it on the GBA Dawn of Souls remake. I really enjoyed it. I got stuck on many of the boss battles as a child since my strategy was "attack, attack, attack" lol, but now that I understand the game well and I go into the boss battles equiped properly, I have no troubles with the Bosses.

My characters are:
Cloud - Knight
Freya - Red Wizard
Garnet - White Wizard
Vivi - Black Wizard
I had the GBA version and got lost a lot leading me to get overleveled thus making the game easy. :p My Black Mage also got overleveled when all my characters got to stone and I had to travel back to town to get one of those needles.
Warrior- Uriel
Monk- Steve
White Mage- *One of the random default names*
Black Mage-  *One of the random default names*
I only owned and played the GBA Dawn of Souls version. It was a fairly nice playthrough. I kept my attention all the way through when I originally played it. I only completed it once and my characters were *boots up game*

All are level 68
Warrior - Cloud
Monk - Stan
Thief - Kenny
Black Mage - Dante

Game must be easy on cash cause my completed file has 999,999 Gil along with my second file that only has 4 hours and 20 minutes.... yea 4:20. Ain't shittin ya :p
Chinese Meth Dragon said:
I always leave the names as the default, but I like the NES and PSP versions more than any of the others. :p
There aren't defaults for Final Fantasy I? Otherwise I wouldn't have such random ass names.

And I just did 3 tests in the GBA version (since you have the auto-name option) and it's different every time. And those names were stranger than the ones I picked, "Baron, Baku, Kuku, Biggs, Banon" and that's all I remembered from turning the game off in the other room :p Biggs is it's own joke though for the series.
HuntMac said:
Chinese Meth Dragon said:
I always leave the names as the default, but I like the NES and PSP versions more than any of the others. :p
There aren't defaults for Final Fantasy I? Otherwise I wouldn't have such random ass names.

And I just did 3 tests in the GBA version (since you have the auto-name option) and it's different every time. And those names were stranger than the ones I picked, "Baron, Baku, Kuku, Biggs, Banon" and that's all I remembered from turning the game off in the other room :p Biggs is it's own joke though for the series.
I meant auto-names. :(
MLYW said:
I had the GBA version and got lost a lot leading me to get overleveled thus making the game easy. :p

I always do this on every FF game. :p
H-J カービイ said:
Aftershifting to the GBA version, Imma now got my Warriors of Light (same four as before, though naming changes to Aegis, Cook, Berry and K.Boo) their Class Change. Lich is down as well ;D

Cook being a Ninja is BA. :p

I am flattered.