February 2014

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February 1st ~ 2014

Skiied, then helped host the Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon Community Night, which lasted for about 5-6 hours from what I saw on the chatbox there.
I started to worry about how much they were playing that game at that period...
...then again, I played Fire Emblem Awakening for a slightly shorter period of time so I should be worrying about myself in that case. :pFebruary 2nd ~ 2014
Groundhog Day
I just realized today was Groundhog Day. :p
...not like it matters as the, umm... "Super Bowl" was on today, I think...?

IDK, I was just super-addicted to Fire Emblem Awakening again - playing even more than what I did last day. :p
February 21st ~ 2014

Today my aunt held a funeral/memorial (my parents kept saying both but I'm not sure if they're even the same...) for my uncle today.

He passed away last Monday on the 10th of February.
For the past year (or more/less, I don't remember the exact date), my uncle was diagnosed with a type of cancer which IDK what it is, but it basically gave him a brain tumor. I think he was expected to pass before Christmas so it's lucky he survived this long (again, IDK all the details - I'm just left out of these things...). It was good he was around much past Christmas at least, though. Sad to know he's gone now.

Anyhow, basically spent the whole day traveling to their town to go to there, spending time at the funeral/memorial, and heading back.
...I also got Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze too...February 22nd ~ 2014

Spent the whole morning sleeping. :p
Then played games for the later part of the day, mostly on Donkey Kong Country Tropical FreezeFebruary 23rd ~ 2014

Went skiing today.
There was also a private memorial held for my uncle as well that was for about 15mins. just to day some final words to him.

Otherwise, I was playing games all day.
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