Favorite Zelda Boss? [Possible Spoilers]

What's your favorite boss? Why?

Um... Ganondorf because he's always great to fight with. In wind waker, I just love to play some ping pong sword slashing with him. I can do it for a long time without getting hurt.
Majora is in second. It was probably one of the most best feeling battles afterward. Fighting with the Fierce Deity mask takes that feeling away though. The accomplishment and pride was only felt a few times till I finally considered the battle to be easier.
Let's see.. Well for OOT it would have to be Twinrova. I loved using the mirror shield and the theme music was really catchy.

For Majora it would have to be Ghot. Rolling around as goron link was really fun.

For Wind Waker it would have to be the end boss. That last scene was one of the most epic Zelda scenes ever.

For twilight princess the stallord king was fun. I like using the top thing to battle with
For OoT it would have to be Twinrova because I like the way you have to absorb the magic then blast it back at her lol

For Majora's Mask it would have to be Gyorg (was that his name?) because it was such a Challenging boss for me

For Wind Waker it would have to be Molgera (was that his name?) because I loved how it looked and I thought it was kinda easy

For Twilight Princess it would probably be the 2nd form of Stallord cause I thought it was cool that you had to use the spinner to spin up then hit him right in the face or skull lol and the music made the battle more intense and amazing
Oot:probably  Bongo Bongo because he has no face :p

MM:Goht cuz I liked chasing him around in a circle.

WW: Gohma and Ganondorf because with Gohma I like how Nintendo made it so u have to Grapple onto the dragons tail and fall on the boss. Ganondorf because the ending blow is